I met a guy a year ago @ a chat. We became friends thanks to our similar interests and way of thinking. We went on a date once but after that our talks became less frequent. Around 6 months ago we started talking again like we did in the beginning but he was going out with someone else and I had a boyfriend. Last week he sent me a message saying that he thought about me a lot on that day and that he missed me. He also said that he still liked me a lot but hadn't dared to say anything because I had a boyfriend. In the end he asked me to go out some time soon (next week). he also started flirting with me again.
I'm not sure how to react because he knows that I don't like getting into casual relationships but I'm somewhat sure he is more into causal relationships than serious ones.
So here comes my question: what can I expect out of going out with him? can I get my hopes up? Because I really like this guy.