Hello, everybody!
The title of this thread has two meanings. The first one is that I haven't written on this forum in ages, but that's not bad, because I mostly seek advice when I'm feeling bad.
These last years haven't been that bad, even though I haven't had any relationship ever since I broke up with my girlfriend almost three years ago. But now something good is happening, and it might be time I come back into the scene, and this is the second reason for the title.

So, this is gonna be a long post. Take your time, make yourself some pop-corns or something, and thanks in advance for reading.
Last year, in September, I was invited to the birthday party of a girl I didn't really know thaaat well - she was a good friend of one of my best friends, so she decided to invite both. Everybody at the party got on well with each other, so we decided to form a group and go out together some times. We created a WhatsApp group, where initially 8 people were added. We actually met just twice in the following four months, on Halloween and on New Year's.
Then, a few weeks later, we were all invited to another birthday party thrown by a member of the group. Some didn't come but most did, and we got on well with the other people that were at the party too, so we decided to let them into our WhatsApp group. Among these people there was also a girl, whom we'll call G, who is the reason behind this post of course
Well, we spent a lot of time together after that, and we saw each other mostly every Saturday night, since most people in the group still go to school (I'm Italian and here you usually have to go to school on Saturdays) so no fun on Friday nights. We've been to other birthday parties, and more people joined the group each time. We ended up being 24 people at the last meeting two weeks ago.

That Saturday night, G was a bit nervous because some days earlier a person from the group had asked her out, and she had refused, so he had stopped talking to her and was actually behaving kinda childishly. We were at a restaurant, and she went out at least six times to "take a breath of fresh air". She drank something to try to calm down, but yeah, you know, that kind of thing usually doesn't work, and she ended up being - or pretending to be - drunk after the first drink. So, after we had finished eating, she sat on a couch, then lay on it, then again sat, until I went sitting on that same couch and she put her head on my shoulder. It's not like she stayed there for long - a couple of minutes - but I can't say I didn't like it. Besides, her best friend had been pushing me towards asking her to dance the whole night (the restaurant had a disco zone), but I didn't want to do that in front of the friend she had just rejected, so apart from her passionately talking to another guy that's all that happened that night. I even told myself "nah, she wants that guy she's been talking with, I should just forget it".

Two weeks passed, I couldn't meet them last Saturday because I was with other friends, so the day after tomorrow we should have been our next meeting. I say "should have" because something weird happened yesterday. People just started to randomly leave the WhatsApp group, apparently because somebody they didn't like had been added. You know, among 24 people, it's hard not to find somebody you don't like. Looks like some guys were actually mad, though. One of them made a new WhatsApp group and added only 13 of the 24 people, but for some reason, after less than 12 hours, the group was deleted (he said "this group is dead, it has no soul").
Since I have little friends if you rule them out, I felt bad. I was really hoping somebody made another group and told everything was alright again. I would have expected a specific person to do it... but guess what? Around 11pm, G did.

I couldn't believe it. She was one of the latest members, still she apparently liked being in the group so much that she did everything she could to keep us together. Now, in Italian, we have two expressions for "I love you" - "ti amo" (something you say to your bf/gf) and "ti voglio bene" (something you say to a friend). I say this because I don't want to be misunderstood when I say that I've been telling her "I love you" ("ti voglio bene") the whole night. She proved to be a way more serious person that I had thought, so I decided I had to write her something privately. Using as an excuse the fact that I didn't want to flood the newly created group with messages, I wrote her what I thought about the matter, and we talked for about an hour. Then I went to bed because I was too tired, hoping I would hear her again today.

Guess what? She wrote! After an hour writing she asked me if she could call me, I accepted of course, and we talked for another hour and a half - of which more than one hour of little talk. I felt like both of us were trying to push towards meeting on Saturday regardless of what the other people would have done (she asked everybody to meet and try to solve our problems, but I don't think anybody will actually come). In the end, I said "I'll be there Saturday, no matter what". Her answer was kinda incomplete - "you'll see, many other things will happen before Saturday" - but it sure wasn't "I don't want to meet you alone". During the phone call, she also told me that the guy she had been talking to two weeks ago was kind of stalking her, and she couldn't take it anymore, so I guess he would be no rival at all.

I still don't know if I actually love her, but I fear I'm not sure just because I've had a bad experience when I kind of forced myself to love somebody because I didn't want to be alone, and now I think the same thing is happening, but it probably isn't, since I liked our phone talk way more than I liked any of the things that happened to me in my previous relationship.

Now, I'd like to hear what you think about all this, knowing everything that happened from the very beginning. Should I go for it? Should I wait some time and see what happens? Should I forget about this whole story?
Thanks for reading and for answering!