Having a girl as a best friend can prove to have a lot of perks especially if you're totally this close. She's probably shared with you some guy problems in the past, a few bouts of insecurities and a little on her family problems. You probably hang out everyday, share a few laughs and can practically finish each other's sentences.here are a few tips on what to do and to finally know how to ask your friend to be your girlfriend

Make her miss you for a while.
Absence makes the heart go fonder this has been proven right. If you've been spending so much time together (part of the reason why you've fallen for her in the first place) then try to disappear for a while, not returning her calls, etc she'd definitely look for your company.

Start hanging out with other girls.
Going out of your shell and actually spending a little time with other girls (a make-her-jealous-strategy) might just work you can test it out if she actually has feelings for you as well. When it unleashes her protective side, then there's hope big chance she's actually into you!

Ask her out on a date.
You heard that right ask her out on a date. And make sure you emphasize the word "date". She may interpret it as your usual hang-out session so try to make it clear that you mean something else. Be casual though, we don't want to freak her out now, do we?

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