If you are one of the men who have been searching for solutions on how to be confident with women.here are a few tips

1. Positive affirmation. Practicing positive affirmation is one of the techniques that you may want to practice if you want to get rid of your self-limiting beliefs and negative thoughts. The fear of rejection, the anxiety, and the general fear that you may not be as impressive as you want to be when around women are all products of the negative thoughts deep rooted in your mind. This can be eliminated however with simple positive affirmations provided that you will do it regularly. Of course, it will also take time to be able to change negative thoughts so make sure you also so it regularly.

2. Hypnosis. Hypnosis has been a good technique and in fact a popular technique used in overcoming fears and phobias and this too can be a good way to help you on how to be confident with women. Although hypnosis is generally done by a hypnotist to you, you can also learn self-hypnosis so you can practice the technique even if you are alone and especially in times when you need it and you don't have someone to do the hypnosis. This technique also uses the power of the mind to help you become more confident and less anxious in having to deal with women and of course, will help you reprogram your mind off from your self-limiting beliefs.