National Women's Health Week starts on Mother's Day each year as a reminder to women to take care of themselves and to make their health a priority. It is also an opportunity to celebrate the progress made in protecting women's health and to promote awareness, preventive care, and educational activities that improve the health of all women.

Vaginal health is an important aspect of any woman’s life. A healthy vagina has a naturally acidic pH level and plenty of healthy bacteria which is the body's natural way to ward off infections. Most women experience one or more vaginal issues at some point in their lives, the most common being vaginal dryness, excessive discharge, vaginitis, along with yeast, bacterial, and urinary tract infections.

By practicing some basic steps you can help keep your vagina healthy and your pH levels balanced. Here are some tips to help you maintain your vaginal health:

Watch Your Wardrobe

What you wear can affect your vaginal health. Wearing cotton underwear can help keep your body heat and moisture in check, decreasing the chance of bacteria overgrowth and infections. Avoiding thongs and tight-fitting jeans and pants is also a good idea. After a swim or workout, change out of those clothing items as soon as you can.

Ditch The Douche

Most doctors recommend women do not douche as it can interfere with the vagina's pH levels and cause an overgrowth of harmful bacteria. You should also avoid using harsh soaps as these also can affect a healthy pH balance. The Very Private pH Balanced Body Wash is gentle yet effective, with a PH balanced formula designed to safely cleanse your entire body and the most intimate part of your body.

Impede The Infection

Treating infections as soon as they arise is crucial because not treating them can lead to unpleasant, painful, and serious reproductive health problems. Three types of vaginal infections are common: yeast infection (caused by several types of fungi), bacterial vaginosis (caused by bacteria overgrowth), and trichomoniasis (the most common curable STD). All three are can be treated with oral or topical medications.

Greet Your Gynecologist

Having regular gynecological exams is critical for maintaining your vaginal health. While annual Pelvic Exams are no longer recommended for health low-risk females, Pap Smears should be done at least annually.

Love With Lubricant

While vaginal lubrication usually occurs naturally during female arousal, some women do not produce enough natural lubricant. Using an artificial lubricant will help reduce friction and irritation, and enhance pleasure. The Very Private Intimate Moisture is the only all-in-one feminine moisturizer and lubricant that replenishes your natural moisture.

Hygiene For Health

Basic good hygiene is helpful in protecting the health of your vagina. You can take precautions from bacterial contamination by wiping from front to back after a bowel movement, which also lowers the risk of bladder infection. During your period be sure to change your sanitary pads and tampons often. For normal vaginal discharge, pads and panty liners are not necessary as they trap moisture and warmth which can lead to infections.