I am writing today because i'm trying to get a feel for the current situation I have with the mother of my 2 yr old daughter. We got into a argument 6 months ago over her finding a prescription medication pill, in one of my pant pockets. She wouldnt take an explanation and we argued until I moved out May 2016. Well, since moving out she met an ex-boyfriend from high school that she's been with since June of this year. We just completed the final parenting plan on monday when we met for mediation.I have noticed that she has been civil with me since mediation happened. We have exchanged phone calls, text messages and have even spent time together for lunch. I asked her to leave her boyfriend because I dont want him around my daughter. The boyfriend has a 4th degree felony for drug trafficking and continues to sell drugs. So after mediation, we had lunch and spent 4 hours laughin, talking and having heart to heart feelings where she told me shes still in love with me. I told her that I wanted to work our relationship out and that I was in love with her too. I want to be with her and raise my daughter together and she said she needs to be able to trust me again. I'm losing patience because she still has the boyfriend which I think is a rebound, but she gives me mixed messages as well. We lived together for 3.5 years and basically that was the biggest fight we had ever had. She signed me up to take a 20 week program to stop the opiate addiction and so far im in week 15. I've done everything shes asked me to do but I still cant get her to commit full time to us starting a new relationship. any feedback and advice is appreciated....Thanks