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by loveforum Published on 29-11-12 09:50 AM
The top court in Poland says the religious slaughter of animals breaks the law, weeks before the EU is due to allow the practice. More...
by loveforum Published on 29-11-12 09:20 AM
After a decade of legal wrangling, this year Shell Oil was given permission to begin exploratory drilling off the coast of Alaska. But many in the local Inuit community are concerned it could have a devastating impact on one of their main food sources - the bowhead whale. More...
by loveforum Published on 29-11-12 09:20 AM
Modelling has a dark underbelly, with exploitation and unfairness rife, writes American model Sara Ziff. More...
by loveforum Published on 29-11-12 08:40 AM
For the first time in living memory, New York City - whose murder rate has hit a 50-year-low - experiences a day entirely free from violent crime. More...
by loveforum Published on 29-11-12 07:20 AM
Dutch authorities approve a motion to get rid of a law making it a crime to insult God, saying that the legislation is no longer relevant. More...
by loveforum Published on 29-11-12 06:30 AM
Argentina, which is locked in a court battle in New York over its debt, receives more time to argue to paying off investors for its defaulted debt. More...
by loveforum Published on 29-11-12 05:50 AM
An Oxford professor died after a colleague restrained him in a headlock when he became aggressive and violent, an inquest has hears. More...
by loveforum Published on 29-11-12 04:40 AM
Work is due to begin to solve a decades-old military mystery and unearth as many as 60 British Spitfires believed to have been buried in the Burmese jungle in World War II. More...

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