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by loveforum Published on 24-11-12 07:00 AM
It's a well-established idea among football fans that Manchester United get more added time when they're losing - but is this really true? More...
by loveforum Published on 24-11-12 07:00 AM
David Cameron says there has not been enough progress in talks on the EU budget and warns against just "tinkering" with the current spending. More...
by loveforum Published on 24-11-12 06:30 AM
The National Hockey League (NHL) cancels another two weeks of its season, amid a lockout that threatens the whole season. More...
by loveforum Published on 24-11-12 05:40 AM
Already saturated parts of the UK are preparing for another wave of potentially damaging heavy rain and high winds, with more flooding possible. More...
by loveforum Published on 24-11-12 04:50 AM
Work is underway on a film about Australian rock star Michael Hutchence, who died 15 years ago this week. More...
by loveforum Published on 24-11-12 03:50 AM
Pakistan suspends mobile networks in major cities to prevent phones being used to detonate bombs during Shia Muslim commemorations. More...
by loveforum Published on 24-11-12 03:00 AM
A second person has died from a new respiratory illness similar to the Sars virus, according to the World Health Organization. More...
by loveforum Published on 24-11-12 03:00 AM
US retailers have opened their doors for "Black Friday", usually the busiest shopping day of the year when stores reopen after the Thanksgiving holiday. More...

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