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by loveforum Published on 17-11-12 05:00 AM
Israel puts 75,000 reservists on stand-by and vows to intensify its Gaza raids after militants target Jerusalem for the first time in decades. More...
by loveforum Published on 17-11-12 04:20 AM
A digital rights group is seeking financial help to stop an adult film-maker contacting Britons suspected of pirating pornographic movies. More...
by loveforum Published on 17-11-12 03:50 AM
Militants Islamists and secular rebels clash in northern Mali, as mediation efforts continue. More...
by loveforum Published on 17-11-12 03:00 AM
Newsnight's Mark Urban on how the old calculations on Israeli defence no longer apply as rockets fire from Gaza target Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, and what this could spell for wider regional instability. More...
by loveforum Published on 17-11-12 03:00 AM
One US police force is making the headlines about equipping all its officers with video surveillance cameras - but is the tech new? More...
by loveforum Published on 17-11-12 02:10 AM
The Muslim Brotherhood's Mohammed Mursi is declared the winner of Egypt's presidential run-off, and promises to govern "for all Egyptians". More...
by loveforum Published on 17-11-12 02:10 AM
A declaration granting Egypt's army broad powers is widely condemned, but military rulers insist they will hand power to an elected president. More...
by loveforum Published on 17-11-12 01:00 AM
24 hours of news photos from around the world. More...

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