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by loveforum Published on 05-10-12 07:20 PM
The game-playing antics of a political candidate have cast a dark shadow over a state senate race in New England, US. More...
by loveforum Published on 05-10-12 06:50 PM
Five members of a family in the Indian capital, Delhi, are sentenced to death for the brutal murder of a young couple in 2010. More...
by loveforum Published on 05-10-12 06:50 PM
Nasa's Curiosity rover is preparing to scoop its first sample of Martian soil, delivering it to onboard laboratories for analysis. More...
by loveforum Published on 05-10-12 06:20 PM
Three Kenyans who were tortured by British colonial authorities can proceed with their legal claims against the UK government, the High Court rules. More...
by loveforum Published on 05-10-12 05:43 PM
Police reveal that Mark Bridger is arrested on suspicion of murdering five-year-old April Jones. More...
by loveforum Published on 05-10-12 05:43 PM
Bosnia's National Museum, founded in the 19th Century, is forced to close because of a funding crisis and political divisions. More...
by loveforum Published on 05-10-12 05:43 PM
Skyfall, the new Bond theme sung by Adele, enters the itunes chart after being released in the early hours of Friday morning. More...
by loveforum Published on 05-10-12 04:40 PM
A US tourist opens fire at a hotel in Israel's resort city of Eilat, killing one person, police say. More...

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