
Type: Posts; User: nopickuplines

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  1. Maybe moving away doesn't have to be the ultimate...

    Maybe moving away doesn't have to be the ultimate option. I know this may seem odd, but if you tell your wife this in the right way she might be up for it.

    Ever thought of having an open...
  2. Definitely get out. If you aren't sexually...

    Definitely get out. If you aren't sexually attracted to him any more that says a lot about what your emotions are telling you. I tend to over use this word on this forum, but "chemistry" is the key....
  3. It's normal to feel emotions even for an escort....

    It's normal to feel emotions even for an escort. These girls are real girls, and have a true heart beneath them. Some have gotten really good at what they do, but that doesn't mean they can't be...
  4. Replies

    Just by this post its very obvious that you are...

    Just by this post its very obvious that you are too in his face. Sometimes we men need that small chase. That tease, that confidence from a woman that she knows she is better than most women out...
  5. I am very sorry for what you are going through....

    I am very sorry for what you are going through. The problem is obvious in my opinion. You are not contributing to the house. Whether he asked you not to get a job or not, you should of gotten a job....
  6. Replies

    Hi Samantha, Many have rudely stated that it...

    Hi Samantha,
    Many have rudely stated that it really is up to your ex husband to date who he wants. It's his life. He can **** who ever he wants. I like to use the analogy, just because spaghetti is...
  7. Replies

    When there is chemistry you feel it. She may be...

    When there is chemistry you feel it. She may be interested in you, but if there is lack of chemistry she is going to get bored eventually. When you say you got cocked blocked, why is it that it's...
  8. From what you have explained it seems as though...

    From what you have explained it seems as though you are moving too fast, at least in trying to cage her up. Why does anyone need to know about your relationship with her anyways? If she is making...
Results 1 to 8 of 8