
Type: Posts; User: Annietobe7

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  1. Replies

    He sees marriage as a piece of paper

    I have a problem in my relationship right now. Ive been with my Bf for 18 months, we moved in together after 3 months, we both love each other a lot. Im 30, he's almost 38.
    We're planning...
  2. My bf deletes his text messeges with his ex, should I worry?

    Hey Guys!
    Ive been with my bf for 18 months, we live together and always talk about future together. We love each other a lot. There's just one problem for me, he talks with his ex girlfriends,...
  3. He wants to choose his ex gfs instead me, what do you think?

    Hey Guys! i need an advice..
    Ive been with a guy for more than a year, i love him so much, we get along great, we,ve moved together in the last 4 months and always speak about the future (kids and...
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