
Type: Posts; User: ZombieGirl

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  1. In my opinion, it is never too soon. I mean, I'd...

    In my opinion, it is never too soon. I mean, I'd certainly put some thought and effort into appropriately phrasing her inquiry so he doesn't immediately think she is hoping to get pregnant with...
  2. Yes, I am living under her roof so it makes the...

    Yes, I am living under her roof so it makes the situation that much harder. I'd move out if I could (I've recently rekindled efforts at trying to make it happen by really looking into costs, etc....
  3. Replies

    LOL! I know, tell me about it! Looking back, I'm...

    LOL! I know, tell me about it! Looking back, I'm still not too sure what I was thinking by going down that route. Not that I didn't enjoy it or that it wasn't my idea because I did and it was... But...
  4. Replies

    For some reason I wasn't nervous at all. I'm...

    For some reason I wasn't nervous at all. I'm usually anxious and nervous about EVERYTHING, but I was totally at ease and just excited. Thankfully it also wasn't awkward at all, which is the opposite...
  5. Replies

    For all I know, this could be trolling, but I'll...

    For all I know, this could be trolling, but I'll give it a reply just in case...

    Now, I don't want to come off seeming unsympathetic. I am quite sympathetic because I can understand that rock...
  6. Can I just add... Don't worry so much about...

    Can I just add...

    Don't worry so much about where this is going. Don't think about the long term. In my experience, that sabotages relationships, especially new ones. Thinking about the future too...
  7. Even if you really love him, I'm dead set against...

    Even if you really love him, I'm dead set against it. I was in one for many years and it was nothing more than a waste of time. Don't get me wrong, we were in love and we talked about nothing except...
  8. Ah, more good things to note. Good idea on...

    Ah, more good things to note. Good idea on recovering costs! And yes, the lock is good. That'll probably make me feel less nervous about living with strangers. I won't feel so worried about my...
  9. You're totally right, Michelle. I know you are....

    You're totally right, Michelle. I know you are. Still tough to not be a little nervous, though. As I said, making friends with new people is tough for me as it is; trying to make friends/meet people...
  10. That's a really good way to go about it!...

    That's a really good way to go about it! Certainly better than committing to living with total strangers. Looks like that is the route I'll be taking, thanks guys. Shame I hadn't started this move...
  11. I'm not shooting down ideas, guys! Just want to...

    I'm not shooting down ideas, guys! Just want to make that clear. Just sort of explaining my concerns with some options to see if anyone has suggestions for overcoming such concerns.
  12. Also something I considered, but I'm nervous...

    Also something I considered, but I'm nervous about this option. Maybe not renting a room from a family, but a fair amount of the nicer places where it is just a room rental with a family is that they...
  13. I know it doesn't cover everything such as...

    I know it doesn't cover everything such as regular maintenance, but all I meant was that if parts start falling out tomorrow, I don't have to worry about paying for that all out of pocket like I...
  14. Smackie, you are a dream!

    Smackie, you are a dream! <3

    Christ, car maintenance looks much more expensive than I had imagined... Scary. Thankfully it is a new car, so I at least feel comfortable in knowing that almost...
  15. Thanks again, smackie! Another question......

    Thanks again, smackie!

    Another question... Okay, so, I posted a thread on here because whenever I'd head over to Google to try to find info on what kinds of expenses I should expect, I get really...
  16. Thanks for your input, smackie! I am working,...

    Thanks for your input, smackie!

    I am working, but I expect to be making much less once school starts in September. Unfortunately, it will be tough to know how much less because I don't yet know...
  17. What do I need to know/plan/etc in order to move out on my own for the first time?

    I'm 21 years old and live in Ontario, Canada (if anyone can offer me advice on the cost of living or anything else in the Kitchener/Waterloo area specifically, that would be great!). I'm looking to...
  18. Unless he is putting you down and making you feel...

    Unless he is putting you down and making you feel bad intentionally about your smaller boobs, or hurting you by saying he wishes you had bigger boobs, you have absolutely nothing to worry about or be...
  19. It has been a couple days, and things continue to...

    It has been a couple days, and things continue to get worse. I'm seeing your point more and more, Ginger. I don't believe she'll ever come around. It breaks my heart.

    As for how it is affecting...
  20. It isn't so much that I let her opinion...

    It isn't so much that I let her opinion interfere... My relationship with him will flourish or fail on its own, and I won't ever let her influence be the reason behind it. And yes, whenever there is...
  21. How should I deal with my mother's unwillingness to accept my new boyfriend?

    Back in March, after having taken the sufficient amount of time I needed after I ended a deeply unsatisfying long term relationship, I returned to the world of dating. After going out on a number of...
Results 1 to 21 of 23