Ok, never posted on a forum before but I really need to let this all out, and hopefully get some advice.

Me and my boyfriend have been together 9.5 years, before him I had another boyfriend for 1.5 years, only 2 week gap in between.
Everything was going well with my current boyfriend up until March last year, when I met my ex at a wedding (current bf wasn't with me at the event). I suddenly had major lust towards him, people that know us both tell me all the time that my ex sees me as the 'one that got away', and I have fond memories of when we were together.
After this wedding it really made me question my current relationship, why hasn't he proposed to me yet? Does he love me as much as my ex does? Will I be happier with my ex? As well as this, we had been living together for 3 years and that dramatically changed our relationship, we suddenly were arguing a lot and weren't as happy as before.
A month after the wedding I was truly unhappy and couldn't get my ex out of my head so I talked to my boyfriend about how unhappy I was, how I feel he doesn't appreciate me and what I do for him (we live together and I do everything for him. Cooking cleaning everything). He begged me not to leave him and that he will try and make me happier, but he said please don't decide to break up with me in a year as I don't want to end up at 30 with no relationship (the
Ex was never mentioned).
This summer we decided to buy a house, 3 months after this I have got these feelings again, feelings of unhappiness, is this really what I want, is this the man I want to spend the rest of my life with? We don't have regular sex, and when we do it doesn't feel loving, just sex.
I feel so troubled, not knowing if this is normal behaviour for a couple that have been together as long as us. Also the fact that we are still not engaged makes me wonder if he feels the same, although when I brought this up recently he says what happened last year really messed him up and he's waiting for the right time.
I can't help feeling my bf is starting to feel more like a brother/friend.
Advice please, sorry for how long this all is!!!