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Thread: i like a friend that recently broke up with her boyfriend

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2014

    i like a friend that recently broke up with her boyfriend

    I know this girl for a year and a half or so (she´s part of my current group of friends but i didnt know to much about her personal life), and one day i decided to tell her that i liked her, she answered telling me that she recently broke up with her boyfriend of 4 years ( i didnt know that she had one) and also told me that recentlly another of my friends asked her out but i never worked (just one date), and she feared that the same would happen between us.
    I was really confused i didnt wanted to hurt her after a bad relationship so i apologised for worry her more and she answer that was no need to do so and "you re a really nice guy ;3"
    After a week or so i started to chat with her more and she was friendlier than ever answering my messages fast, with long answers and using a lot of smileys and winky faces, but she rarely started a conversation (2 of 8). But when she did was really odd hours 3:30 of nigth.
    When i m with her she giggles a lot(more than with other friends) and i caugth her looking at me sometimes and pokes me lot in the sides and i poke her back, but also she flirts a lot with other guys in another way("can i put my head in your lap?","can you give me a hug?") but never with me.
    Recently in a party at her house with more firends i was cooking along another friend and she was kinda ill, i told her to rest but she insisted to stay at the kitchen to help us.

    Soon after the dinner we were playing mario kart and i sat besides her, at one moment our bare arms were touching but she didnt move away for a long time, having plenty of space in the couch, but again she flirted a lot and huged, ect other guys but me .
    I dont know how to react to this situation... Does she even like me?( or she just doesnt want to hurt me?).
    What should i do, ask her out again? ,but i dont want to hurt her, push her away or i should give her more time to heal?, i dont know what to think or what to do... U_U

    Help me with this guys/gals

    More information : Im 22y old male, shes 19 and we both study the same college carrer

    Sorry for the long post and the mistakes, English is not my first language.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2014

    You sound like a lovely guy! It sounds like she doesn't know what she wants. After coming out of a relationship she might well just want to be single for a while, especially being so young.

    From what you have said it certainly sounds like she is confused and not sure how she feels about you.. But at the same time does not want you to think she doesn't like you.

    My advice would be to talk to her, face to face, text, Facebook... Whatever is more comfortable for you.
    I would just come out with something like " you know I like you more than friends, I am not trying to pressure you... I just really need to know this for myself. Am I in the friendzone or is there a chance we could ever be something now or in the future? I really like you and would never want to jeopardise our friendship but just need to know what you think and if I should try and move on from these feelings"

    I think you will feel 100% better just pure and simple asking where you stand with her.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Thank you for your answer, after trying to expres my feelings for her again and getting another rejection, a friend told me about a concept that fits exactly how i feel about her EMU emotional unavailable man (can apply to females as well) , this kind of rs was destroying my self-esteem, rigth now i m trying to get over her(not more texting her, flirting or anything along those lines), but i migth get caugth again if she tries to contact me or something... it really hurts rigth now.

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