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Thread: what do you think about this? am I being played?

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    after everything... he called me 1st thing int he morning.... from an unknown number... I answered not knowing who it is.. and I told him to F off and never call me again.. he proceeded to call me 7x times... I didnt answer.. but I am curious to know why he called.. what did he want.. when he didnt want to come down and face me on the night..

    why did he call me? I dont get it...
    what are your thoughts?
    I understand it is what it is.,,,but this is how i deal with it.. i annylize it and figure it out that way so appreciate the feedback.

    - - - Updated - - -

    and then I sent him a msg later on saying all that came to my mind... i told him off and told him what kind of person he is... and how he hurt me... i sent numerous text cursing him... because the thouht of him makes me sick...and i dont regret it... i could care less what he thinks about it...
    but i cant help it but want to know if he would even feel bad or any remorse... I mean i didnt see anything but thats not the point.. he couldnt face me to tell me whats going on.. and so they were at his place.. so who cares... what would any girl think... he told me he was cleaning the house and going to his sisters and yet.. i felt weird about it.. i know we are not tghtr but he has been speaking to me and like i said previously... at one point wanted to work things out then we fought more cause he was blaming me etc...(stuborn taurus) so now.. this hppnd... so now he cant blame me or anything... he is the one that was cought moving on but couldnt admit it to me or face me on the day. so.. I mean what did he want to call me the next day... previously he would always call if he ****ed up , he would call 1st thing in the morning 8.30 and thats what he did now,,,,,and keep calling till i answered but now I dont know....
    I wish i answered just to know but i couldnt bear it.. and i am glad i didnt..
    and then he didnt call again. what could it have been about?
    Last edited by Rubystar2014; 31-12-14 at 12:17 AM.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    May 2011
    He likely wanted to tell you one last time what a hot mess you are. Sorry, but: FFS get over it.

    Stop talking to him. Stop talking about him. Stop obsessing about what a tit you've been and just vow to yourself to change up your dating strategy to something better that you've been told about here.

    This venting bullshit you insist on doing here just keeps him and all the negatives you've been through right in your mind where you obsess to the point that you need professional help to get over yourself.

    STOP IT for goodness sakes.
    “The willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life is the source from which self-respect springs.” ~Joan Didion

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    Stop answering his calls, and don't say you are oblivious to who is behind these unknown numbers...you know it's him, so stop kidding yourself, nothing is going to be different each time you answer his calls. let him go already, block and delete. Go out and do something with your life instead a jibber jabbering about this tool.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    I am friends with a girl who has been going through this same thing for 4 years now. I mean have been in the off stage for 4 years and its truly sad. If he wanted to be with you he would be! He just keeps you around because he can and you allow him to. Have enough self respect to walk away. It's never fun to be in a honeymoon stage one minute and then the guy saying he doesn't know what he wants or he isn't ready the next. He know what he wants. He just doesn't want you.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    wow... I really dont feel its cool to be so cold about it...I am not an idiot... I loved this guy... and he loved me... we both wanted to be tgthr for the rest of our lifes... so pls no need to be like that.

    its not easy to just go turn the page and forget what has been.... I am real in how i feel, not pretending and going on wth my life like nothing.. i am human...
    anyway.. thanks

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Rubystar2014 View Post
    I am real in how i feel, not pretending and going on wth my life like nothing.. i am human...
    anyway.. thanks
    He isn't real with you about he feels though. That's why you are on this forum asking for advice. Not trying to be cruel or anything but don't let him make a fool out of you. Love doesn't play games and keep you hanging on a string wondering where you stand in somebody's life. Close that chapter and move on.

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    I understand that.. but he didnt want to be treated badly no more so he was hesitant to come back and try... he said he was confused.. doesnt know what he wanted after all that hapnd... he told me he is scared that thigns will be same and change.... so thats what i mean... i know i would not have lasted 2.5 yrs if he treated me the way i treated him... but he did that for that long and now.. gave up.. anyway...

  8. #23
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Rubystar2014 View Post
    wow... I really dont feel its cool to be so cold about it...I am not an idiot... I loved this guy... and he loved me... we both wanted to be tgthr for the rest of our lifes... so pls no need to be like that.

    its not easy to just go turn the page and forget what has been.... I am real in how i feel, not pretending and going on wth my life like nothing.. i am human...
    anyway.. thanks
    you're being silly and obsessive now so the kid gloves have come off and you're going to get a good talking to everytime you post the same shit about him.

    This relationship has run its course... it's been dysfunctional from the beginning and it never got any more solid then fluff as time went on. When you accept that you're better off going zero contact and by accepting that it's over you'll start to heal and get to the stage of indifference to him so that you'll be free in heart and mind to meet a good man that will show you in actions that he wants you in his life for more then a leg over. Stop your thoughts of this mess and start striving to get to that blissful stage of indifference to him.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Sadly, you are addicted to the drama that you and he create.. you're addicted to the on again off again dynamic, you're addicted to the sex and they high and low he drags you through as he comes and then leaves again or you come back and then leave again... Whatever the dysfunctional goings on.

    Get the help you need from a professional to help you go cold turkey withdrawl from your drug of choice known as "glorified fvck buddy gone wrong."
    “The willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life is the source from which self-respect springs.” ~Joan Didion

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Dear Ruby,

    It is never easy to move on from something like this. Your heart got involved and when this happens, moving on or cutting someone off cold turkey may be easy to say, but not to do.

    But dear woman, everything will be alright. You must give yourself time to heal. Your mourning and this is perfectly natural to do. It says you have a heart; nothing to be ashamed of there. And remember, the only two people that know full well the true scoop here, is You and He. To me, your relationship with him sounds a little more complex that an average booty call yes? Yes. You know what you can and cannot abide by, what your willing to tolerate and what your not willing to. You miss the good bits of him but also know you won't be a part of the bad ones.
    Now you just need to find a way forward. Do not feel badly about the lingering effects of missing someone.

    Pamper yourself. Perhaps go do some new things to help take your mind and heart off of him and back towards you.

    again, everything will be alright.

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