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Thread: Should I meet up with a guy I told I was not going to date 2 to 3 years ago?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Should I meet up with a guy I told I was not going to date 2 to 3 years ago?

    2 years ago I became friends with this guy from school. Ironically it happened like this, I helped my mom at a program she works at that takes place on a college campus, which is ironically the college I go to for school. During a break, my mom asked me to go get her a coffee. One of the workers in the café place on the college campus started talking to me. We exchanged numbers. I really thought he was a nice guy

    Here is where it got weird. He started calling me sweety. I was kind of freaked out by that but I didn't know where this was going honestly. Then around 4 days later, I see on facebook he put "in a relationship with (insert my name here)"

    I never accepted it because I did not want my mom to see what was going on since I have her added. Then a few hours later the guy tells me he has a foot fetish. That's where I drew the line, I barely knew the guy and he put on facebook that I was his girlfriend when I clearly barely knew him, started calling me sweety, tells me he has a foot fetish, it was all too much for me. I ended up deleting him off facebook and blocking him, and I blocked his cellphone number but before then I told him I couldn't date him it was all too much. Plus he claimed I was his girlfriend before the first date. I sort of felt bad over the years wondering if I should of given the guy a chance.

    Anyways, fast forward to 2015 (all that happened in 2012 if I remember correctly). I get a call from this number I do not know. Now I know people without having there cellphone number and they might have mine so I answered. It was this guy. Seriously. I was in shock but I talked to him for 5 minutes. I know I said I had his number blocked but he saved my number for 2 to 3 years. He got a new number so that's how he got through. But we talked for 5 minutes, then after that we hung up. He texted me later "my new number don't forget me". A week later (today) he started texting me again, then texted me "are you free next weekend?"

    I'm not 100% sure if I should meet up with him or not. I'm very confused on what to do. I still feel bad I never gave the guy a chance but he could be a sweet guy. I didn't appreciate how after 4 days after meeting he claimed I was his girlfriend, and we had no date or anything to see if we would work out or not. But he must still feel something if he saved my number for 2 years, right? I don't know what to do or tell him. I do feel bad with what went down 3 years ago and I do not want to hurt his feelings again.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Tell your mother what went down and ask her for her opinion. Your mom will steer you right and she should know what strange (and I do mean strange) men are pursuing you so that you keep safe. You don't even know this guy, he sounds compulsive to a fault and your gut is warning you about him somehow. Don't let the possibility of "hurting his feelings" get in the way. You don't owe him anything.

    The very fact that he saved your number for years after all that creepy behaviour which caused you to block him... You'd think he would have gotten the message to move on ... most normal people would have after being blocked for their over the top behaviour yet her he is again being over the top and not even being phased that you didn't want anything to do with him.

    The term obsessive compulsive comes to mind.
    “The willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life is the source from which self-respect springs.” ~Joan Didion

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