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Thread: Should I spend my life alone for sake of other people?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Should I spend my life alone for sake of other people?

    I destroyed every relationship I had.

    I had 2 relationships, all of which lasted about two years and I am now in my 3rd one, our 2 year anniversary should be at January.
    Every time it's the same story... when we get comfortable enough with each other - fights start... yelling on both sides, me breaking stuff in the house... fights that last for hours. This is now 3rd girlfriend that I love and I watch cry every other day... it is obvious that I am the problem.

    I hate myself for making people unhappy...
    Should I just set her free of my manipulative-selfpity terror? And is it humanly right thing to do - decide to not be with anyone ever again?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    it sounds like you are creating the same pattern in your relationships. i know that feeling! it isn't a good feeling either!

    perhaps you have some anger issues .... this could be from unresolved childhood trauma, and if so, professional advice (counselor, psychologist) may be needed.

    for me, when i found that i was just recreating the same pattern with different people, i did decide to stop having relationships until i cleared up some of my emotional baggage. i know from experience, if we don't wake up and take responsibility, the universe will hit us over the head harder and harder to change our ways.

    there is a common problem in human culture. the basic struggle between faith and doubt. we want to have faith that we can create the life we want, but then we doubt that faith when things appear to go wrong. this doubt can give us a bad attitude. we can feel so frustrated by our doubt and the fears that come when we doubt our lives. this frustration can lead to anger and lashing out against those we love.

    really there is no excuse for initiating harm to another person. we wouldn't like it done to us, so we shouldn't be doing it. and if we are harming others, we need to take immediate action to get out of that situation. things tend to keep going in the same direction without a great input of energy and willpower to make a change. if you don't stop now, it willonly get more difficult

    i am sorry that you are in such pain. i hope this helps.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Just take some time for yourself, I suggest, and try to really figure out what it is you are doing wrong. By hurting others, you are only hurting yourself. Is it because you are maybe jealous? Curious about your zodiac sign.

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