i first met her in a college club, she i guess would flirt with me, i'm oblivious to people flirting with me, apparently but anyhow, she told a mutual friend she thinks i'm really cute and kind, she also told this friend not to say this to me... but he did anyhow because i'm closer with him then her. i was not interested because... i'm going to sound so shallow right now but before u judge this hear out my opinion please, i am not really attracted to her face, she is in my opinion like a 6 out of 10 as far as a face goes and she always dressed in a way that doesn't show off her body so i never pursued her. So this brings me to my next point, i saw her today at the gym at my college, she was making ocnversation with me a couple of times, just general stuff, what muscles are u working etc. anyhow she was in leggings and oh my god was she hot -_-, like her body was like a solid 8 at least out of 10 and i never knew, so now i feel like Facebooking her saying, hey want to hang out sometime? but like i'm afraid too for 2 reasons, 1 i don't want her to think i'm a weird creep and 2 i'm a very moral person and i know u guys must think i'm shallow after what i just typed but i'm not looking for sex, i want a relationship but i do believe physical attraction is just as important as mental and i never went for this girl because i didn't think i had a physical attraction towards her but her body is like omg O_O in skin tight leggings not to sound like a perv,