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Thread: Betrayed by a FAKE FRIEND

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2015

    Betrayed by a FAKE FRIEND

    I just found out I'm pregnant , my boyfriend just recently stopped talking to me because I told a friend about some of the things him and his friends indulge in , basically my friend is interested in his brother and I gave her a heads up on what to expect , I thought we were having a casual "girls talk" but she basically ratted me out and now my boyfriend hates me and doesn't want his baby or me anymore I'm really depressed and sad what to do ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    You are pregnant from the unprotected sex had three or four days ago with your "fiance" who may or may not have ejaculated? Have you actually had a pregnancy test?

    I'm casting a whole world of doubt on your story
    Never regret anything that has happened in your life. It cannot be changed, forgotten or undone. So, take it as a lesson learned and move on.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    Get an abortion or put the kid up for adoption....you and him are not ready to raise a child. You both are immature idiots. Oh and stop multi posting the same thread, it's against forum rules, and it's inconsiderate to others who want their posts answered.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Your Worst Nightmares
    Smackie pointed out that this was a duplicate thread. I hadn't realized that meant there had also already been answers on the other thread. I'd only seen the one where I responded. However, since others have responded on this one, I'll add my response here so they are all in one place. For future reference, please don't post the same topic multiple times. You are more likely to get better answers, and even have a conversation amongst those answering if you keep it to one thread per topic.

    Pasting my original response below:

    No offense intended, and you don't have to answer this if you'd rather not, but how old are you and your boyfriend? This sounds like teenage problems to me.

    Anyway, we don't know the specifics of what you shared with your friend that was meant to be just between you and her, so we can't necessarily comment as to whether your boyfriend was right to be upset. I mean, if it was something he really didn't want being shared with the world, then I'd say in most cases you should have never told anybody as it wasn't your secret to tell. If it was actually bad and/or big enough that you felt it warranted telling your friend in case it changed her mind about your boyfriend's brother, then maybe that is different.

    Though, either way, whether you violated your boyfriend's trust, or whether you did the difficult but right thing, it doesn't change that your friend was still wrong to then turn around and violate your trust by blabbing. She doesn't sound like a very good friend if you ask me.

    Also, even if what you did WAS wrong (I'm not saying it is or it isn't since I don't know enough of the details to make that call) that is still absolutely no excuse for your boyfriend to want nothing to do with his child. He had an equal part in causing you to get pregnant. The child is his, so unless you two happened to mutually decide to give the child up for adoption, or what-have-you, then he has a responsibility to the child just as much as you do. If he no longer wants to be with you, fine, but he has to help you care for your child since he is the father.

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