Just a few weeks ago I went to an online dating site and found the most beautiful and amazing girl I have ever seen. I know what you think, "you can't fall in love over the internet". Well, so did I believe, until I found her. I felt she was the ONE girl. So, I spent hours and hours to come up with the perfect message which I then sent to her. The only thing is, I realized I had just made an absolute fool out of myself, not even having a profile picture of myself.

This is what I wrote:

Subject: Haha, I think you'll laugh when you read this


I just recently started an account for the first time on this kind of a site. Being an absolute beginner I have not got the slightest idea of what to do and what to say. Be sincere I immediately thought. But after asking my friends I found out that it is considered offensive to tell a girl for the first time that she looks beautiful, which I can understand. Then maybe a better way would be saying that you seem to be a really cool person. And so, running the risk of making an absolute fool out of myself, I am going to ignore every advice, be myself and go ahead and say it. You look very beautiful!
If you in any way feel offended or awkward, you have my deepest apologies. That was not my intention. Also, please do not feel that you have to respond or anything. I just felt I had to say it.

Cheers! Have a great day! "

Of course she didn't reply, considering we also live in different countries. However, I just can't get her of my mind. I don't know what is happening to me, I never thought a few pictures and a text on a dating site could cause such feelings. I feel as if I have done a huge mistake. I don't want to lose her that easy.
I wonder now, is there any way to save the situation?
I have been thinking of sending her a second, this time, a proper message with a picture of myself. I'm only afraid this will make it even worse. Perhaps I should instead start from scratch and create a new profile?

What do I write to her? Should I be honest or should I just ask her a casual question? I become a complete idiot when it comes to these things. I would greatly appreciate any help and advice. I don't want to lose this girl.