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Thread: My Unfortunate Story

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    My Unfortunate Story

    *All names will be changed for privacy purposes*

    Im Mike, here is where my story begin, before my mind had broken into pieces.

    "Our lives are always just one small adjustment away, from being perfect."

    In High School is where I met the first girl I would have ever fell in love with.. Her name was Kim, and I honestly never noticed her at first. She had been in a relationship with a very close friend of mine, Kris.

    Coming to the beginning of Jr. Year, my best friend at the time, his name was Scott. His girlfriend had been unfaithful to him with another boy in our school. Scott had confronted him and made more threats than he could back up. Later that week, we had heard that this boy and his friends were going to jump Scott and I. Friday had come and it was the day that I had my first big change in life..

    The school day has ended and all of the other football players and myself are preparing to get ready for the game! So we head to the parking lot to leave, and that's when we were approached by the boy and his friends.. Although, Scott, who had put us into this mess had left us. Ironically enough it was back to back with my old friend Kris. So we began defending ourselves, and unfortunately the boys had brought a knife. Kris had almost lost his entire ear, due to a boy swinging for his face. At this point I was paralyzed that Kris had sustained such an injury, this is where I made a choice...

    - I've never done this Online thing.. I just felt that this may help me recover from my current situation. I don't ever talk about these things, and I thought that maybe others will want to listen and give me their thoughts!

    -So please be sure to post if you'd like me to continue! Thank you all.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    sorry to hear

    I am terribly sorry to hear that this happened to you. It sounds just awful.

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