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Thread: why did this guy treat me like this?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    why did this guy treat me like this?

    Can someone give me an honest opinion on what they think. This is hard for me to talk about but I recently was involved with a guy who did not appreciate me at all. He barely took me anywhere, all he wanted from me was sex all the time and wanted me to do things that I didn't feel comfortable doing and when I wouldn't do it made me feel like i wasn't worth being with. He always tried to get money from me and use me for sex all the time. He even assaulted me one time during sex something i'm still dealing with. Well things started getting strange when he wouldn't add me on facebook i was going somewhere temporarily where all i would have to communicate with him was facebook at the time and he wouldn't add me for some reason which i thought was strange. So time went on he still wasn't putting forth effort and i got fed up said some mean things out of hurt and frustration then he told me he was done with me and that i'm the rudest person he ever met. that was crazy to me given how he treated me. Well we stopped talking was done. One thing I noticed was even though i wasn't friends with him on facebook his relationship status said 'single' for the public to see. 3 weeks after we had called it quits i went on his profile to block him for good and i noticed the relationship status that used to be public and said single was gone all of a sudden. why do you think this happened, was he hiding something from me that whole time or was it some kind of mind game to get my attention? it's strange that 3 weeks later the relationship status was gone. either he made it private so only his friends could only see it or something was going on behind my back. This guy was horrible and didn't care anything about me. Before we called it quits he even had the nerve to ask me would I give him 300 dollars to pay for a speeding ticket that he got. He couldnt even afford to pay it back to me if I were to lend him the money... thank goodness I didn't give him the money. Please no rude responses. I have reported the guy for assault and the law enforcement is handling the situation. And yes i'm going to counseling.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    San Francisco, CA
    I thnk you know the answer, you just don't want to acknowledge it.

    This guy is a predator and user. He sees women as a means to an end to serve his needs - be it financially or sexually. And he knows how to find the people who are willing to do that and play his game. thgat literally is all there is to it.

    there are a lot of lazy, don't want to work at it, shortcut taking people. they want everythign for nothing. and if you're insistent enough in that you will soehow find people who will give that up if you can figure out exactly what they want back and give it to them to start with. then just ride that out until the gravy train runs dry.

    don't be so eager and willing to do just everything for your partner so you can keep them (or a friend in my case). protect yourself and always have a little "what's in it for me" bit until the other person has proven they will give back and have your back when you need it too. dont be the one who has to sacrifice for them until they show sacrifice for you.

    how do you spot these folks? well. when it's obivous they are one tracked minded (the sex). when its obvious they are not willing to give back (he never repaid you for anything, but kept asking for more). good responsible sensible people will not feel right borrowing money without paying you back and making a point of doing so. HUGE HINT!

    good luck and i'm sorry this happened to you. on the bright side - you get to move on and you do have the money and ability to find a great relationships. he does not. he will continue to wallow in needing to depend, trick, and use people just to get anything in life. YOU by far are the luckier person in life and not he.

    Hang in there.

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