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Thread: Hi to everywhone. I realy need help with opinion

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2017

    Hi to everywhone. I realy need help with opinion

    Hello again, i have 28 years, im tall 180 and i have 130kg. and im in a relationship for naow 7,5 years. My girlfriend is 3 year younger than me.
    I wrote my height and weight because of my former complex and problem with weight. So i was with less confident at the start of our relationship. But i was thiner, in meantime i got more and more weight. (I realized that when i shut up or when i dont pull out my opinion for something important i eat).
    Now i am aware of all this and i dont have problems with confidence in myself.
    My gf was one person at the start and now is different. She was going to colege and at the end she did not finished it. (I was finished colegge, and worked and make more and more monney). For me in this relationship it was good. I make monney and she is with me and all good, but she was like "you can not go to drink coffe with your friends, you will sit with me at home", and neg all the time.
    Two truths: i newer cheated her and newer go out at night. Not only one time!
    I was in my work and making monney becuse we where poor. And was in big progress. I changed jobs, finished schools and more monney camed in my pocket.
    We haved large arguments but only i was using argument in word fight. She was like: "i dont want to speak two days with you and im right" and these was the case until i go and apoligize.
    Last year she wanted to move in in my house. (I have my house, not rent and morgage). First month was nice but than starts darkness. Fight ewery day, she hates my parents whitc are by the way old and dont interfere in anything. They live in house near ours and they dont have enough monney for living. I help them and this is the problem. Maybe i'm wrong, is it right to let they go and lokk how do they end up on the streets becuse they grow up in comunist regim and they dont know what is demokracy?
    She literaly eats my monney. And i make alot and she spend alot. Last few days before salary i dont have 10 eirs in my pocket/bank account/safe.
    In the same rithm she have rules for my behavior and i must respect them.
    I dont have rules for her.
    I'm sorry for her because she is weak and probably she hed traumas from chilehood or something like this.
    I dont want to hurt her, i want only happynes for her. But im geting older and stronger and i saw that the time is priceles.
    We have arguments every day. And for 7 years i have like 1milion apoligizes and she only one.
    Situation was that she apoligizes to me when she sad to me: "look at yourself, you are fat, and im atractive, you are below me".

    Oh and i wash dishes and kitchen every day and i do all jobs around house and inside. She is parcipating in this with 10% aprox.

    This is the truth, and i have to write book for this relationship but for now i need yours advice.

    Please i can provide more informations but this summary.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I forgot to say a litle bit more about myself. Its important for you to see with ho she haves buissenes.
    I have maybe some reqest like to go to the to spend some time with friends or parents or something. I like to explore in my field of work and interests.
    We have sex aprox 5 times per week and i am always truing to satisfy her at least one hour with forplay. Please dont mind, i must say this because i want for you to make precise advise.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Hello Birkoft28, welcome aboard. Enjoy your visits.
    "Invest wisely and have money work hard for you"

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