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Thread: Me F [20] and M [21]!! He is sending me mixed signals.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2017

    Me F [20] and M [21]!! He is sending me mixed signals.

    I like a friend of a friend. Last week, I went out on a limb and asked the friend of a friend to hang out with just us two. We went to a bridge, he payed for my food, and we had great conversations. After, we went to his house and began fooling around. I knew he wanted to have sex, but we did not. I slept over, woke up, and he kissed me and hugged me goodbye.

    Later that day, he texted me and said he liked sleeping with me, hanging out with me, and wants to do it again. But since then, he has not made an effort. I text him and Snapchat him, and he replies, but he doesn't seem interested. I keep talking to him whenever I get a chance, though. But he never initiates any contact.

    Today, we all hung out as a group again, and I flirted, he reciprocated, and it was good. So I don't know what's happening. I just got out of a relationship, he knows this, and he is still in love with his ex but she uses him and he knows it. So, what should I do! Should I still pursue? I mean I'm not looking for anything, but I'd like to see where this goes. He's introverted naturally, but I thought you'd want to talk to the girls you like. Please help!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    Minnesota, United States
    Like you said he still has a thing for his ex which is why he's distant with you at times. He has more time in with her, so he has all of this attraction and time built up with her. It happens to us guys all the time. In these situations, they will typically take the ex.

    When things don't work out with her, or start going sideways, he will likely be back. And typically if things don't work out once, they won't work out again eventually (there are exceptions of course). Don't wait, keep circulating. You're right, if he wants you, he will contact you. You reaching out to him is clear evidence that you're attracted to him and want to pursue things. I wouldnt bother reaching out more, he can contact you. Introverted stuff is nonsense, he has your number, he will reach out if he wants to.

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