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Thread: She's sending mixed signals,i don't get it

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    She's sending mixed signals,i don't get it

    Ok so i met a girl i really like one month ago,we had a little chit-chat so everything seemed ok.Then i saw her again on the bus stop after 2-3 weeks we spoke and i told her to get the same route and she was like yeah lets go(she was with her friend though who seemed ok too)she recommended moving on foot so i agreed.We had a very good conversation during the whole walking,then she said ''wanna go sit somewhere ? '' i agreed and we sat on a bench at the nearest park.After that we had a long conversation for 2 hours where she was kinda open to me and shared a lot of things in common.We held hands all of a sudden and kept good eye contact,then we exchanged numbers and i took her home.I gave her a call(It was Thursday) after two days asking her if she would like to go out and she said that she would be missing both Saturday and Sunday so she said ''see you on monday then'' where she had class on the same building with me,i was like ok see ya then bye and have fun.
    After 1 hour she sent me a text saying this : Hey...whats up...sorry if was kinda jerky with you that i told you can't go out...i didn't do it on purpose and there might be a chance i will not leave...so maybe i will be free for tommorow.So i called her the other day and she said she was on her way there and that she would have called me if she wasn't i told her to have fun and enjoy those two day then i said bye and hang up.So i saw her on Monday and she seemed she was not in the mood,she just said hi,we talked a bit and she said that her friend needed her to discuss and then left with her.I saw her the other day after that (Today) she was with her friend again,as i was waiting at the bus stop.She seemed good but like she didnt want to give me any attention i asked her if everything was ok and she replied with a gentle facial expression upon her.She said bye and left with her friend.Then the next day (Today)i was sitting in the hallway checking my phone,suddenly i raised up my head and there was her coming towards me and sitting next to me,we talked for 2 minutes and i acted like i don't care or really tough while she was talking to me,then she went back to her class saying cya and bye.I'm pissed off because it started all good she sent me that text too which i think she was honest and all of sudden she looks like she's trying to avoid me.What should i do ? I'm not desperate or something but i really like her

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    She's definitely sending mixed signals. I would just give her some space. If she likes you she'll keep coming up to you when she sees you and if she wants to talk to you she'll text you. If a few days go past maybe just send her a text saying "Hey how's everything" or something simple like that. If you push her too much before she's ready though you may push her away.

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