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Thread: Break up due to distance

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    Break up due to distance

    I recently ended a 1.5 year relationship and after a month and a half he started dating a 16 year old girl(he is 22).They knew each other and used to go out often as friends but I trusted him and I never thought they will date because of the age difference.He also told me that he likes being controlling in a relationship.The main reason why we decided to end it was because he was living abroad.I wasn't sure that I want to move there and he doesn't want to return home either. I recently graduated college and learning a new language,finding a good job in a different country without any experience ,living far away from my family it was a lot to take.He isn't very close to his family like I am . We also had some arguments during our relationship ,he used to get angry sometimes even called me "stupid" for no big reason.After breaking up I apologized for every mistake and told him how much it hurts but he didn't care and eventually blocked my messages.I don't understand how some people move on so fast when I can't it takes me a lot of time to find a new boyfriend.I am feeling bad because I wasn't sure about the moving were he lives and because of that he found a new girlfriend.
    Last edited by HeleneMary; 11-01-18 at 03:11 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    Minnesota, United States
    He likes being controlling in a relationship. If that's not a red flag I don't know what is.

    He's dating a 16 year old, that won't last. That's not even legal where I live, but regardless of where you are, I'd imagine there would still be a maturity gap.

    He's not close to his family, while that isn't a necessity, having a great family life usually means that person is much more skilled and adequate at relationships.

    I'm the same way, I'm very selective in who I date and out of those. In all honesty, I've dated maybe 3-4 women so far that REALLY did it for me.
    When those ended, man that hurt for a long time.

    The apology on your half was great, even if I wasn't that interested in a woman anymore, I would really value that and cherish it.
    That says a lot about you to be willing to do that.

    He met somebody that he perceives as being great I'm guessing, and because of that, it sounds like he just doesn't really care anymore.
    And honestly, if he doesn't give a ****, you shouldn't give a ****.

    Finding great chemistry and attraction is rare. But just keep focusing on you, be who you want to attract. You'll have even more options and opportunities that way.
    Last edited by GLYC; 11-01-18 at 03:52 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Thank you so much

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    You have the power to move on. You have the power to which him the best and to apologize for your mistakes and learn from them
    You have the capacity for true love.

    He doesn’t. He blocks your messages because he is hurt and it is easier for him to externally attribute his loss to your cause instead of doing the same thing you are doing.

    He doesn’t really move on. At least not emotionally. I believe he cannot move anywhere in fact because at this point in time he isn’t really seeing anyone emotionally but him.

    That would also explain his controlling behaviour which has nothing to do with love but with control over girls he “owns”.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Whatever he does is his business and you shouldn't try to think about it too much. Some people do get over a breakup overnight, so try to move on as best as you can.

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