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Thread: How to make this girl stop hating me?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    How to make this girl stop hating me?

    Ok, here's the deal. I fell in love with a girl who wasn't really into me (pretty normal stuff if you ask me) At first she didn't like me at all, around or not, but she started to talk to me later on. I think we were pretty good friends, she works with her parents in a little stall of food and I usually went and visited her there, talking with her parents and with her for long periods of time. She even once outright told me she started to care a lot for me, just to tell me later (via message, btw) that we were never friends and she felt stalked with my presence there and she only talked to me because she wanted to change.

    The problem started because I was a little cold to her at one point, the fact that I was really depressed took a toll on me and I was a bit mean to her. Don't get me wrong, I never assaulted her, never insulted her, never told her anything mean, I was just cold towards her in my attitude. But I never forced her to like me, I never told her I was in love or for her to be my gf and pushed so she'd be. I was just there, speaking, laughing and having a great time with her. We even got to the point where we were alone at her room and I never made a move out of respect. I never did anything wrong to her.

    Anyway, it's been a year since she sent that message and now it is starting to really bring me down. I was really happy when we were friends and I long those conversations we had. I'm not gonna lie, I still love her. But I just want her to be fine. should I just accept it and move on? Maybe. But I want to know if I could make things up. I want to.

    I went today to talk to her father (which is a really good friend of mine) and gifted her family chocolates for christmas (because I care for all of them) I spoke to him all day, with her in the room and she just ignored me. It hurts a lot. I want to make things up to her, say I'm sorry, but, should I? will she accept my apologies? wouldn't it show that I'm obssessed with what happened and creep her out a lot? Oh God, I hate all of this.
    Can you give me some advice, please? Am I being to obsessive? I'm I a stalker? Can it be ment? Or should I just move on?

    Thank you very much and I wish everyone reading a great night.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Try once to clear the air with her. Speak from your heart, be honest and then if not accepted leave her alone. You can't do more than that, IMO.

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