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Thread: Should I stop smoking for my gf?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2018

    Should I stop smoking for my gf?

    I’ve been a chainsmoker for about 7 years now and just recently I met this terrific girl through an international dating social event and boy, I’m totally inlove with this chick. The only problem is that she’s asthmatic and coughs easily from the smell of tobacco and dust. I was thinking if I want to stay with this woman I’d have to try to stop smoking for good, just for her. I was thinking of other alternatives such as vape or E-Cig. Do you guys think this is a good idea?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    I think you should stop smoking for your own health. There are almost as many chemicals in e-cigs as real cigarettes. It's not just water vapor like they claim.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Your Worst Nightmares
    ...Do I respond? Another one that seems like it could be spam. ...But again, I do actually think this is a good topic for others to hear even IF the original message is just terribly disguised spam.

    So, my answer comes in two parts. One, no you shouldn't quit for her (or at least now JUST for her). Two, you SHOULD quit, you should just do it for YOU. If you aren't doing it for you, and because you want to quit, it will never work. You can't put that all on her. If you don't really want to quit, but you are doing it for her, then you will be much more likely to fail. Worse, you may even, without realizing or intending it, grow to resent her for it.

    More often than not, for getting over an addiction or changing a bad habit to work it has to be because you want it, not because other people want it. Don't get me wrong. I am sure a large part of you probably DOESN'T want to quit, and that will be hard to fight.... but there needs to be a large enough part of you that wants it simply because you know it is best for you. For your health. Etc. It's kind of like how almost nobody WANTS to work out... but many do simply because they know it is better for their health. So they want to work out because they want to be healthy... not necessarily because they want to work out. Smoking is probably similar for you. I'm sure you enjoy smoking and therefore part of you doesn't necessarily want to give it up.... but then there's also part of you that knows the terrible health impacts, and thereby maybe part of you does want to quit.

    Good luck.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Sometimes I think these spammers go onto other love relationship sites pull actual stories and just insert their romance, foreign, latin and dating wording into it to troll us.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Please just stop responding to these threads. This clogs up the forum. Even if it’s just a „this is spam“ post

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