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Thread: Hi, another addition

  1. #16
    Illusional's Avatar
    Illusional is offline different state of mind
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    "Hot Love Pancake(s)"
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    hey hey, i can give cy shit.. but who said you could?

    ...this is just my perspective on the situation...

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    yeah lilding.

    lol. i crack myself up sometimes.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    lilwang ...j/ks anyways , welcome art to the forum ...

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by lilwing89
    no wait dude...

    your mom said i could when i ****ed her last night
    Oh God, "mother" jokes, how year 4...
    Live together. Die alone - [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvi_RCM3FAM[/url]

  5. #20
    Illusional's Avatar
    Illusional is offline different state of mind
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    "Hot Love Pancake(s)"
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    oh i don't mind that you fuct my mother last night, it seems to be the new "in" thing. everyone is jumping on the bandwagon. don't you wish that your mother was half as popular as mines?

    ...this is just my perspective on the situation...

  6. #21
    lilwing89's Avatar
    lilwing89 Guest
    no i dont

    i hate my mom

  7. #22
    Illusional's Avatar
    Illusional is offline different state of mind
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    "Hot Love Pancake(s)"
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    isn't that a shame...

    ...this is just my perspective on the situation...

  8. #23
    lilwing89's Avatar
    lilwing89 Guest
    no im not shamed..

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by cyborgguineapig
    Hi my name is Art and I was introduced to this site by my good friend Cybog who happens to go to the same school as me. I am a 21 year old Male and have never been in an intimate relationship and am also a virgin. I see a lot of 15-16 year olds on here so concerned about losing their virginity and honestly that makes me want to kill something or someone, but I'll try to get over that because I know I can really learn a lot from this place, no matter what age the advice comes from.

    I consider myself a borderline slash/ introverted individual. Lots of people say I am an interesting, unique and sometimes weird but I'm not to offended by that because other people probably understand me better than I do so I usually take their word.

    As far as "love" goes, I have felt like a big loser for a long time. I was one of those guys that happenned to be the 25% that didn't get laid in highschool and so far haven't in college either. I remember in highschool I wasn't particularly interesting in anybody really and never really was interested in females sexually because I was a big loner and had too little confidence. That and the females never took me as attractive( unfortunate) My best friends at the time were the bullies who picked on me. It was a sad relationship to have had but I was really that big a loner.

    Anwho I consider myself good looking despite being somewhat slim. up until the end of highschool I was pretty skinny and not as attractive and was only 5' and had a squeaky voice. Lucky for me I hit puberty way late and now I am NOT regretful as I tower above the majority of people at 6'- 3". I'm still not ripped or anything but being tall everyone notices you. I do get somewhat of an inner ego because of that, especially being someone who was once the opposite of being noticed. I'm somewhat synical, pessimistic and negative inside and I think my past drives my anger a lot. I am more likely to tease a hot girl if she was interested in me than to **** her. Its like saying "ha ha, you think I'm attractive now, too bad I wasn't attractive enough for you in highschool to **** me, you had your chance"... Its obvious that I have a problem with holding in my past.

    The reason I came here is because I want help desperately to overcome some of my issues in the realm of love and relationships. I'm in a soon to be mid-20's crisis feeling as if I've missed out on so much of my life and late teen years and even into current day. All these threads about even 16 yr old guys kissing their girlfriends titties getting me somewaht jealous/envious. Everyone has had more sex than me and its truly beginning to show unhealthy signs. I'd really like to get a few casual ****s in there before I die but currently I lack teh skills in a lot of areas to enjoy life to the fullest. I think Sex would help me with some of my other inner phycological problems as swell. Like I said its becoming unhealthy, I need sex with someone other than myself!

    Anyway, think thats enough before I get carried away and tell my life story to everyone

    I am your student/guineapig/deciple. Be rough in giving advice (but don't be a n ass). Cybog already helps me a little in social situations in person and as you may know, he usually tells it as it is. Coming here I hope treats me like I'm in boot camp for getting laid. I need to become a successful love soldier. Train me, beat me, do whatever it takes!~ lol. It'll be too late soon, all the women will get STD's, get pregant, married, ect before I get a chance to play with them first. This is an emergency@!
    I'm RSK, apparantly, we have a lot in common.

  10. #25
    lilwing89's Avatar
    lilwing89 Guest
    RK's back everyone

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