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Thread: I like girls non-nude.....

  1. #46
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    17 year old male + "sexual intercourse is a gross chore that I would never get involved in" is an unusual combination, to say the least.

    Wanting to remain a virgin is a different issue, it can be commendable that guys hold out due to their moral/religiuos beliefs, but not want to get into a girls pants? Wanting to get into a girls pants typically drives teenage guys OUT OF THEIR MIND, even if they are too shy to act on it.

    Regardless, the abuse thing kicks this up a notch. Even if it was physical and non-sexual, abuse during formative years is typically enough to burden one in non-obvious ways. My bet is that the abuse and the unusual response to a girl's equipment are related.

    I hope that you have a care giver that can spring the bucks for a good psychotherapist if you don't have it. I suspect that being in SD might make it a bit difficult to find a good one though...

  2. #47
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    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Late_vamp
    just by reading this , i dont really know , but it sounds kind if unnatural that a guy is like that ... all icky and stuff .

    i cant understand how they cant be messy ... its a MUST ...did they even make the bed shake ?
    No bed shaking. He liked it SLOOoowww....regardless to what I liked. Quite a bit rougher I'd say.

    Yeah I'd use to giv ehim handjobs to the point were he would almost be ther, and eh'd say 'No stop i don't want to ruin my pants'. I guess I could understand that but it's still weird.

    I swear he gave me so many complexes................although everyone have repeated to me that he's not normal....................

  3. #48
    lilwing89's Avatar
    lilwing89 Guest
    (for the original poster)
    question number a: do you masturbate?
    question number b: if so, how much and what do you think about(if anything at all) during the act?
    question number c: are you physically attracted to males?
    question number d: do you like warm apple pie?

  4. #49
    Illusional's Avatar
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    when a women wears clothes, it's a different attraction. because you wonder what is underneath, well most men do. however, i think when a girl can dress good and match her clothes, that is another sexy aspect that she can possess.

    ...this is just my perspective on the situation...

  5. #50
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  6. #51
    lilwing89's Avatar
    lilwing89 Guest
    tell her to keep her clothes on

  7. #52
    Join Date
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    Wild west of Ireland
    Quote Originally Posted by Commendable
    Yeah I'd use to giv ehim handjobs to the point were he would almost be ther, and eh'd say 'No stop i don't want to ruin my pants'.
    .. what?

    what? what? WHAT???
    and.. .. how-- why? in the name of all that is holy, WHY? does he not have a washing machine? are they $1000 designer pants that he's going to return? is he going to a job interview in the same pants the same day? Are the pants glued to his body so that he cannot slide them down?

    I'm sorry, that was too much fun to resist..


    I don't think you're gay. I definitely think that even if you're gay, saying "hey, you must be gay, ha ha ha, and you're in denial, etc.." is not the way to go. _Accusing_ people of being gay is not welcoming and does not make them open up about it even if they are gay. If you have serious reason to think someone is gay, _suggest_ rather than accuse, and be sensitive, for crying out loud. A laugh or two is okay, but this guy came here to share something very private, and some of you (nobody specific) seemed not to acknowledge that. I know i'm new here and I apologise if it isn't my place to say this.. but it didn't seem right, I had to say something.

    Does it matter if he's gay or if he's straight but has issues, possibly from abuse? I think in both cases seeking help can be recommended.

    Please keep us posted!

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