Quote Originally Posted by rglove View Post
Do Women Still Want to be Wooed?

Ladies, in these cynical times, of over political correctness, and oversensitivity, where many females seem to shy away from interpersonal relationship with the opposite sex, and many of us - both men and women seem to shy away from interpersonal relationships in general, do you still want to be wooed, want a man to woo you? Ladies, do you still value being pursued, wooed, courted, or is it all just stalking and sexual harassment to you? Does wooing still have a place or have we become so detached, and overly sensitive as a society that such a think is looked upon with distaste, distrust, and as a nuisance or in a negative connotation.

I came up with this question after writing "The Art of Wooing" and in doing research on wooing, and one of the statements clearly being made about wooing in these times in what I read was that wooing doesn't have the grandeur it use to, that it's just not respond to in the same way, and as well as it use to be, and had kind of lost it's relevance today. That it didn't have much of a place in the society of today. I wanted to see, if it still did have relevance. I've seen how the socio-political climate of today has left some men some men gun shy, and down right confused as to how to approach their interest in a female. It seems, when you take a shallow glance at it, that the only place a man can safely approach and pursue a woman is in a singles bar/club setting, and I want to get a clearer picture as to what was the state of wooing in our society!!!

This question goes along with “The Art of Wooing” which was posted earlier;

Woo (Wooing): 1: to seek the favor, affection, or love of (usually a woman); 2: to solicit in love; to court 3: make amorous advances towards; "John is courting Mary" [syn: court, romance] 4: to seek the affection of with romantic intent; 5: to work to gain or sway the affinity, affection of, through deliberate action with amatory intentions.

Its all about what kind of women they are.. You gotta look around. There are women out there that like men to beat them and say HEY NO YOUR DOING THIS. Then there are the 50/50 ones that we can always come to agreement sweetheart. so it all really depends.