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Thread: Do Women Still Want to be Wooed?

  1. #1
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    Do Women Still Want to be Wooed?

    Do Women Still Want to be Wooed?

    Ladies, in these cynical times, of over political correctness, and oversensitivity, where many females seem to shy away from interpersonal relationship with the opposite sex, and many of us - both men and women seem to shy away from interpersonal relationships in general, do you still want to be wooed, want a man to woo you? Ladies, do you still value being pursued, wooed, courted, or is it all just stalking and sexual harassment to you? Does wooing still have a place or have we become so detached, and overly sensitive as a society that such a think is looked upon with distaste, distrust, and as a nuisance or in a negative connotation.

    I came up with this question after writing "The Art of Wooing" and in doing research on wooing, and one of the statements clearly being made about wooing in these times in what I read was that wooing doesn't have the grandeur it use to, that it's just not respond to in the same way, and as well as it use to be, and had kind of lost it's relevance today. That it didn't have much of a place in the society of today. I wanted to see, if it still did have relevance. I've seen how the socio-political climate of today has left some men some men gun shy, and down right confused as to how to approach their interest in a female. It seems, when you take a shallow glance at it, that the only place a man can safely approach and pursue a woman is in a singles bar/club setting, and I want to get a clearer picture as to what was the state of wooing in our society!!!

    This question goes along with “The Art of Wooing” which was posted earlier;

    Woo (Wooing): 1: to seek the favor, affection, or love of (usually a woman); 2: to solicit in love; to court 3: make amorous advances towards; "John is courting Mary" [syn: court, romance] 4: to seek the affection of with romantic intent; 5: to work to gain or sway the affinity, affection of, through deliberate action with amatory intentions.
    Last edited by rglove; 19-11-06 at 08:03 AM.

  2. #2
    lilwing89's Avatar
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  3. #3
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    can you say "woo" just one more time, please?
    "So tonight, when you're wondering what to say, or how you look, or whether or not she likes you, just remember, she is already out with you. That means she said yes when she could have said no. That means she made a plan when she could have just blown you off. So that means it is no longer your job to try to make her like you. It is your job not to mess it up."


  4. #4
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    I'm officially annoyed.

  5. #5
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    Everybody wants to be pursued by the right person.

    I think contemporary men use "political correctness" as a convenient excuse for their cowardice. I don't think men in the "olden days" found it easy to approach women either, but somehow they found their balls and did it anyway.
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  6. #6
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    So the woo bone's connected to the ball bone?
    Spammer Spanker

  7. #7
    lilwing89's Avatar
    lilwing89 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Gigabitch View Post
    So the woo bone's connected to the ball bone?

  8. #8
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    Yes we do!!!! I love a sensitive guy that makes an effort to seduce me, not in a sleazy way but in a clever way!

    The effort you put in, you get in return. You should only do this once you have etablished a connection, too soon and you might scare her off with neediness or desperation.

    Deep down all women have this ideal fantasy that they will meet a guy that will sweep them off their feet, be so romantic and loving and she'll be the happiest girl around.

    We don't want men to stop being men, we like a man that also puts his foot down and takes charge, but we also love feeling special and exclusive. Affection, romantic gestures and suprises do that : )

  9. #9
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    Ah, yes...p.c....it is a convenient excuse for wusses not to woo.

    Women generally turn their heads towards guys who are a bit dangerous, mysterious or who have the "I don't give a rip" attitude. Part of being dangerous is being a bit flip about P.C. If you like her, then pursue and be a bit ballsy about it. Screw the P.C. stuff at that moment. P.C. is reserved for the office where you aren't male or female...just a paycheck receiver.

  10. #10
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    As Vashti said, we want to be "wooed" or pursued by a person we have interest in.
    Appreciate the good times and learn from the bad times....

  11. #11
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    Of course! It's flattering to be wanted and desired. Being wooed by a man that you have feelings for is something that every woman wants. Wooing is a lot less desirable by those we have no interest in though.

  12. #12
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    Ahh.. It's a long story

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by amreli View Post
    Of course! It's flattering to be wanted and desired. Being wooed by a man that you have feelings for is something that every woman wants. Wooing is a lot less desirable by those we have no interest in though.

    Eeew, yeah. There's nothing like a woo-ser (woo + loser).
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  14. #14
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    I think everyone "woos" women somewhere along the way. Buying presents / showing affection, etc. It just seems that most people who advocate a head-on romantic approach do so with absolutely zero strategy.

    I.e., a woman needs to be attracted to you before she's receptive to seduction. If you show up to your first date with a present, a bouquet of flowers, one hour of compliments and affectation, I'd be surprised if she doesn't have an "emergency" in the first 20 minutes.

    "wooing doesn't have the grandeur it use to, that it's just not respond to in the same way, and as well as it use to be, and had kind of lost it's relevance today."

    This kind of rhetoric is really funny. What does that mean? When was "wooing" this in and grand thing to do? Most commentary on the 'good old days' is so incredibly disconnected from reality that everyone imagines the middle-ages were this time period where heroic knights rode up on their love's homes with presents, welcomed themselves to the parents, began a 6 month courtship according to formal rules and grand weddings were held in celebration. Bullshit. Shotgun weddings were invented in the later middle-ages, I imagine they replaced pitchfork weddings.

    If you really want to get an interesting read on how issues of sex and sexuality were dealt with before modern times, you should really check out The History of Sexuality by Michel Foucault. Its a two-volume series with some pretty fascinating insight in sex and earlier times. It seems people back then weren't that different from us after all, one-night stands, random hookups, sexual scandals, only thing thats faded out over time is the shotgun wedding.

  15. #15
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    The Art of Woo-ing. lol. I was just thinking the art of seduction these days.
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