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Thread: Religion and Virginity

  1. #1
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    Religion and Virginity

    I was just wondering if someone could tell me as to why its against Christianity and I'm positive more religions to, to engage in sex. Just Christianity as an example perhaps. My brother is like that but I have never been close in respect to asking him why it is that he held out till marriage. So would anyone know why someone would hold out till marriage?
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  2. #2
    DoesntMatter's Avatar
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    I like to see what the Bible has to say about practical issues, so I read it in context. Sure it was intended as some moral theme, but there are other factors to consider, like the absence of adequate birth control back then. One guy thought of something else, his idea was if people have a lot of sex before marriage, when your "soul-mate" (in other words, a very, very good match on a personal level) comes along, he might not have a massive penis, and if you got stretched out before with other partners the lack of sexual pleasure might make love come harder for you and have you neglect it since you'll be preoccuppied with sex.

    Why does the Bible tell you not to get drunk? What's wrong with getting drunk now and then? Maybe back then it was more irresponsible... Idk.

    A person I know, who is pretty much an expert in theology, told me the original translation of the 10 Commandments have one say "Thou shalt not murder", and not "Thou shalt not kill". So... define murder how you want to.

    The Bible also tells you not to lie or swear, but nobody raises an eyebrow when the F-bomb gets dropped. Basically, it's no big deal. The Bible also tells you to rest on Sundays... Who can afford to do that?

  3. #3
    vashti's Avatar
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    Traditionally, inheritance rights played a very large role. A man did not want to mistakenly pass property down to a child he did not father, and if women were having sex with whomever they pleased, there would be no way to determne a child's paternity. By the time Christianity was founded, this was a well-formed tradition that was merely formalized in scripture.

    Additionally, the Greek philosophy of stoicism made the idea of sex for pleasure an abomination. Couple these two factors together, and you have your answer.

    A more modern understanding would be that to have sex outside of marriage puts potential unborn children at risk for a broken family.
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  4. #4
    LostNotFound's Avatar
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    i think vashti's inheritence view is more or less practically why.

    it's to produce a legitimate heir. and also it was about not bringing shame on the family.

    i take comfort in knowing that my SO will be married to me before we have sex.

    it depends on how strong your religious beliefs are too.

    'chastity shal get you in to heaven'...or something like that.

  5. #5
    DoesntMatter's Avatar
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    I used to go to a Catholic church about once per week. One area where I disagreed with them was with chastity, they are completely preoccuppied with it and act like it's such a great thing. I forgot who said it, but it went something like "Chastity is the most unnatural of sexual perversions". While I think that is an overstatement, it is seriously ****ing unnatural. Sex could probably be some of the cleanest fun you can have. I'm pretty sure it's quite a bit healthier to have sex (natural and healthy) than snorting crap (unnatural and unhealthy). Why don't they focus on other things of greater importance, like helping the sick and poor in third world countries? Or volunteering? Or donating blood, organs, and money? How so many church goers will give nearly nothing to charity groups relative to what they make? I'm not saying give 10% of your earnings to the church, but maybe 20% to groups like the Red Cross or United Way? Why don't they focus on what is practical??

  6. #6
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    It's because the husband's family wanted to buy a brand-new, unused vagina for him. This isn't just a Christian thing. It's part of most religions, which are guidelines for life.

    Long story short: women are not their own property.
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  7. #7
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    Thanks for all the answers guys. I have had sex out of wedlock just because I am not religious like my brother is but was just merely wondering what exactly religious people see wrong with having sex before marriage. So thanks for the answers.
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by DoesntMatter View Post
    I like to see what the Bible has to say about practical issues, so I read it in context. Sure it was intended as some moral theme, but there are other factors to consider, like the absence of adequate birth control back then. One guy thought of something else, his idea was if people have a lot of sex before marriage, when your "soul-mate" (in other words, a very, very good match on a personal level) comes along, he might not have a massive penis, and if you got stretched out before with other partners the lack of sexual pleasure might make love come harder for you and have you neglect it since you'll be preoccuppied with sex.

    Why does the Bible tell you not to get drunk? What's wrong with getting drunk now and then? Maybe back then it was more irresponsible... Idk.

    A person I know, who is pretty much an expert in theology, told me the original translation of the 10 Commandments have one say "Thou shalt not murder", and not "Thou shalt not kill". So... define murder how you want to.

    The Bible also tells you not to lie or swear, but nobody raises an eyebrow when the F-bomb gets dropped. Basically, it's no big deal. The Bible also tells you to rest on Sundays... Who can afford to do that?
    I'm agnostic, but in relation to the 'Sundays' thing... the bible... was written thousands of years ago... It's completely outdated, so DoesntMatter is right... who can afford to do this... and who does that? It's simply because the text is way too old.
    Quote Originally Posted by Frasbee View Post
    Charity is gay.

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