Quote Originally Posted by jslaughter
sniff sniff

Are you sure you don't have a single older brother? One who got some of your good genes

I have good genes? My sister took them all! She doesn't even bother returning them until they have holes and tears and stains I can't identify. You know what they say, "Better to have no genes than dirty genes."
I'm afraid i'm empty in the older brother department. My parents did say i was dropped off by a passing ufo so i'll have to make some inquiries. Do you have any idea what the roaming charges are for anything outside the milky way! Fair and Flexible interglactic plan my a$$!
I do have an available cousin but he's basically a player with a somewhat "nice guy" heart. Nothing like me though. I can tell because my friends call me a p*ssy, but not him, so that's a pretty good indicator how close he is to me in that regards.