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Thread: I Rearly dont know what to do

  1. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Charlie Boy II View Post
    ^^^ oh, no, don't cast aspertions on my maturity. f-ck off tool.
    Last edited by Yggdrasil; 12-06-09 at 11:44 PM.

  2. #47
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    hi there...

    honestly, it sounds like the girl lied and cried like she did because there is a lot of shame and hurt.

    13 is very young to have sex. this doesn't sound like a pure situation, or one where she may have really understood what she was doing...

    counseling may be good. but...it sounds to me that you are closer to her first sexual experience than what happened in the past. for the sake of her well being, i wouldn't reject her now. she really put herself out there by disclosing this. she needs love. it will do a lot for her to receive it from you...


  3. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by misombra View Post
    charlieboy is a little wee wee.
    eat a dick misombra.
    Is it burnin'? Well, f-ck, now you're learnin'.

  4. #49
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    lol waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
    baby ya hustle. but me i hustle harder.

  5. #50
    Charlie Boy II's Avatar
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    Sorry? Who writes who private messages about how hurt their feelings are? Was that me? Or you?
    Is it burnin'? Well, f-ck, now you're learnin'.

  6. #51
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    I'm abandoning this thread.

  7. #52
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    i didn't know you would be so upset about being a bitch.
    baby ya hustle. but me i hustle harder.

  8. #53
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    that sentence doesn't even make sense.
    Is it burnin'? Well, f-ck, now you're learnin'.

  9. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gigabitch View Post
    I can't even imagine how this girl must be feeling right now. You're probably the only person she's ever told about this. The way I see it, if it were consensual, she probably wouldn't be crying for two hours as she told you about it. Poor thing. She's going down a shame spiral and you're just standing there at the edge, watching her and telling her it's not "magical" any more.

    **** you. She made a terrible mistake trusting you with this. Clearly you don't deserve to know her secrets. How dare you judge her for something that's very likely to be the very worst thing that's ever happened to her (before getting rejected by you, anyway)?

    I just have a really hard time imagining any girl that isn't a total insane slut (and you would have noticed that at the very beginning) voluntarily ****ing her step-brother.

    If I'm wrong, I apologize for the **** you part, but it sounds like you didn't even give her the benefit of the doubt.

    What are the details, here? This is very important. Was she doing this because she wanted to or because she had to?
    Best post so far^.

    Coming back to fill us in, Pompous? Or were you a troll? Some of us are still willing to help.

    Did you think about how you would give advice if this were your sister, not your GF? (and you weren't the boy abusing her, of course) Thirteen is ridiculously young for *any* sex 'consentual' or otherwise, btw. No sex is consentual at that age.
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  10. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by IndiReloaded View Post
    Thirteen is ridiculously young for *any* sex 'consentual' or otherwise, btw. No sex is consentual at that age.
    Thank you.
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  11. #56
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    You must have missed this post, indi.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pompous View Post
    she sais she consented because she thought she loved him, she sais she cried becase she thought id leve her, i did not reject her at all, i held her and told her i love her and have done everyday since, any negative thoughts i have had iv kept to myself because i dont want to hurt her any more then she has been. and as to the comment say i myself am still a kid, yes i am young but have grown up fast through my life, my parents sepatated when i was 5, at 14 my dad was arested for sexualey abusing my sister her whole life, been though another devorce and lived in aboult 16 houses in my life, iv had no opotunity to act like a child in my life. as for my girlfriend, i love her to bits and will stay with her through anything, like people have said on here, i love her so it dosent matter and i just need to be here for her

  12. #57
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    Yesterday it got a bit roudy when I suggested counseling for these kids. Now I'd like to clear something a bit up in regards to this (and this is my fault because I didn't specify clearly what I had in mind, so I hope you can bear with me for one minute and read all the way to the end instead of jumping the gun right away):

    When I mentioned counseling I had in mind something called teen pre-marriage counseling, (don't jump the gun yet) which are basicaly 4 to 5 sessions of 2 hours, where those kids get information on how to properly communicate (as in speaking and listening > something a lot of people have a hard time with or have never learned), using non-agressive ways to communicate feelings (as in for example using 'I' statements), how to set healthy boundaries, how to argue in a fair way and all those things. Those are skills which are valuable to any relation.

    So I was not talking about this psycho babbel navel gazing pop 'em full with meds and charge them to the hilt stuff , basicaly just decent good FREE advice on how to create a healthier environment for their relation from people who care and do this pretty much on a daily base, adjusted to the couples needs. They don't have to be married, they just have to be a couple, hence the name.

    The reason I suggested this, is because I want those kids to have a chance, no matter how small, if not in this relation, then hopefuly in the next one, because they both come from a toxic environment, and chances their parent gave them those relation skills are pretty much close to zero.

    Now you may say, hey, we can give them this advice to. Sure, we can, however, those people are experienced in these things and will look at their individual needs and emphazise on those. Additionally I have a hard time imagining how we could explain them both how to communicate (speaking, listening) without being in the same room as them.

    So in my opinion, this is good, sollid advice that is in their benefit.

    I hope I am making sense here.

  13. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by vashti View Post
    You must have missed this post, indi.
    I read it. I don't put much stock in a 13-year old's 'consent' to sexual activity. I wouldn't call it the informed decision of a mature adult. I am viewing it as a mistake due to lack of proper guidance, which it most certainly was.

    Pompous, should you ever come back, do you have any trusted authority figures in your life? A doctor, teacher, clergy, or something like? They might be able to suggest some more direct help.

    Good luck hun.
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  14. #59
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    Pompous, you sound like a sweet kid, actually. I appreciate your attempt to protect her feelings by keeping some of your harsh thoughts to yourself.

    I still think it's unlikely that she just "loved" him. He was her stepbrother, for God's sake. I'll bet she's pretty twisted.

    How old was he when all of this happened?
    Spammer Spanker

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