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Thread: I tend to overthink things

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    I tend to overthink things

    Hey, I am currently single right now and have been for a while now...going on 2 years now. I got out of a 2 year relationship before that and have been enjoying the single life very much.

    However I'm starting to feel like I want start dating again. I met a girl that I'm interested in, and it seems like she may be interested in me too, but she's been "talking" to another guy now too as she put it. The first night we met we ended up cuddling up on the couch and watching a movie together and it was great. Relaxed and fun.

    She has been texting me almost every day for the past few days and when I eluded to the fact that I may be interested in her it seemed like she pretty much stopped texting. So I don't know if i scared her away by letting her know that or what...? It's funny how those things work.

    I really tend to overthink these things and sometimes they can get to bothering me...worrying about what she thinks or if I should pursue it or let it go and just see what happens.

    Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks,

    - firewired

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008
    In the Tropics
    Stop thinking yourself into a corner. Start doing. You don't have much time before she decides that your allusion was creepy.

    You can't let it go, because you "alluded" in a text and now she doesn't know where she stands. You weren't man enough to ask her out in person; you gave her a little poke and ran away. This is not going to attract her. Yes, you're risking your friendship by making your feelings known, but you've already hinted at your feelings and taken that risk. Now that the risk is taken, be a man and make it clear what you want. No "allusions," okay?

    Tell her what you just told a bunch of strangers: that you loved the relaxed movie night and want to spend many more such nights with her, and that you want to sweep her off her feet (and when would be a good time for that)? Open up and tell her exactly what you're feeling, and do it with an air of confidence in yourself. So far, you have not shown any confidence, so you have not made yourself attractive to her.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    You have all the symptoms, or at least some (barely skimmed your post) of someone who needs to talk to more girls.

    I have an idea! Talk to more girls, and while we're here, new girls preferably.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Thanks for the input guys. You are both right. When I get back to town I'll talk to her and let her know that I'm interested in taking her out...with confidence

    speakerspoke, I definitely do need to talk to more girls....it seems as though I don't meet as many girls now that I'm out of college and working. And I guess I'm just not that good at it unless I've had a few drinks first. And I would rather start a relationship sober!

    How do you suggest that I remedy this?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Hey guys! So this girl and I had a chance to talk over facebook last night for about an hour. She has been through a breakup recently and really just wants to be friends before dating anyone....which I am really happy with. We are both on Christmas vacation now and she wants to hang out when we get back.

    I generally will obsess about these things, but I'm feeling pretty laid back about this one. I'm looking forward to getting to know her first and then seeing if a relationship would happen.

    It's cool because we're into alot of the same things...photography, art, music etc. So no pressure to ask her out right now either which is kind of nice. But the wierd part is...unlike some other girls, i would be totally ok with asking her out because I feel really comfortable around her. So here's hoping for the best!

    Thanks and talk to you soon...

    - firewired

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