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Thread: Confuzzled...

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    The Wild West
    OMG what a horrible story! Lady29 Ive got to tell you that i am WAY happy for you and your daughter! I know you are upset with everything that has gone on with good reason, but i only see good coming out of your situation. I once had a girl leave me because i have a "no tolerance" drug policy if we are together, and yes that includes weed.( my brother had a real big drug problem and it took a toll on my family) You tried to help him, however he is the only one who can help himself. I do believe his culture has much to do with this, not much you can do to change that. That being said.....I am so excited for you to be able to start a new life without him!!!! Im also glad to hear your moving to another town!!!!! You and your daughter dont need that kind of garbage in your life. Now you can find a REAL man with some values to share your life with!!!! Consider this your second chance I also want to point out that a girl with a child who's father plays no role in her life is more appealing to a man that wants to take the responsibility of that child.......Its easier for men when they dont have another man medaling in his/your lives.

    Be strong lady, you can turn this bad situation into a great one!!!! We are all here for moral support when you need us. GOOD LUCK!
    Last edited by castingstones; 05-02-10 at 12:46 AM.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Thanks again all who commented on my situation, it helps coping to become a little easier. But now I've been thrown that age old temptation....should or should I not contact. Out of curiosity today I dialed his cell phone number that I thought had been changed (lucky with *67 proceeding it to hide my number) and it was his old answer tone and then he spoke on the voice-mail. He never changed his number, just hadn't been paying the bill so I've been wondering all night should I call, but I mean with him in not one but two relationships, no steady contact between us for nearly a year and only six times in a span of that year all initiated by myself, calling is prob not a good idea. I keep wanting to just go pop up at his house but I mean I hate when someone does that to me so can't see myself doing that or allowing the opportunity for some woman of his to light into me when I'm only there to speak about our child. Perhaps I should just continue to leave well enough alone. Just needed to vent I guess. Thanks.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    The Wild West
    Leave it alone lady, move on to a better life No more contact with him......ever

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