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Thread: how to get her to like you!!! =S

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    how to get her to like you!!! =S

    I have been hanging out with this girl since november and we get along quite well! We also have many things in common. I take things slow with her because i do not want it to make myself look too desperate. We both are busy people, therefore sometimes we can't hang out every week, but when we do we have a lot of fun and i try to do something different each time we go out. The last time we went out( 1 1/2 weeks ago) we had coffee, before we arrived at the coffee shop she flirted with me in the car for the first time. She complimented on how good i was smelling with the cologne i had on. Then when we had coffee, we ended up having an awesome conversation and she seemed really into me. i can't explain it very well but at one point she was leaning over the table with both hands holding up her chin, if you get what i mean. She was like that for a while i was really surprised by it. We were suppose to hang out last week but she was busy with some stuff with her girlfriends and she had work too, so thats totally fine, then she was like definently next week(this week). SO i was thinking well next week on monday(this past monday) i should just ask her out for valentines since its on the weekend of this week. But unfortunenatly, she said that her and the girls were gonna do something special for valentines and i believe she mentioned something about a birthday as well she said thank you tho with a kind voice. Ever since that phone conversation i haven't called her but the fact is i would really like to go out with her on valentines because i really do like her, she has impressed me with her maturity and other things on numerous occasions. Im just trying to figure out how i can get her to like me, or maybe she already does i dunno. she has told me before christmas that she's not looking for a relationship but what is it do i have to do to make it work. Please help, thanks for reading!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Send her flowers on V-day.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Excellent idea Lulu.

    This is the way to go! Always a winner with women!
    "Oh I could spend my life having this conversation. Look, please try to understand before one of us dies"

    Quote Originally Posted by Yet another guy View Post
    It's just plain simpler to view the world as black and white rather than probabilistic shades of gray.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Really? I was thinking that would be too much. Another thing swell i am going away with my class this weekend for a camping trip until sunday at 5 oclock so i can't really send her flowers. The best thing i could do is text her and say happy valentines day lol. Although i was in the process of making a valentines card through photoshop for her and get one of my friends to log onto my facebook and send her the card that way. So i'm not quite sure what to be doing.i could buy some flowers then save them until we hang out next then give them that way but thats lame..any other suggestions, or should i just give her a call soon..

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Don't do a card and flowers- too much- just order flowers from a shop in advance and have them delivered on Sunday- duh. You don't want to get all emotional with a card if you aren't official- just a thought with flowers on a special day is sweet enough- keep the note simple- "happy v-day" and give her pink sweetheart roses (I wouldn't do red, yet- not yellow, either- too "friendly"). She'll be flattered that you thought of her and went to SOME trouble- don't over do it, though...not until you guys are more official. Good luck!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    I agree with lulu - order flowers for her today and ask them to deliver them to her house on Valentines day. I also agree that pink roses are the way to go!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Thats the thing though, we have never been to each others houses, she knows where i live tho because she drops me off, so i cannot order and get them delivered to her. And i don't want to be a creep and look up her address in the phone book, even tho that could work tho, because she has a very unique last name

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Another thing if i were to deliver it, i believe the only kind of delivery service i can think of is a taxi and that would be toooooo much!! plus she lives about 15 mins outside of town so it would cost about 30 bucks probably for a taxi...and valentines wasn't really my original question, its just how i can get her to like me?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by shadowhunter View Post
    Thats the thing though, we have never been to each others houses, she knows where i live tho because she drops me off, so i cannot order and get them delivered to her. And i don't want to be a creep and look up her address in the phone book, even tho that could work tho, because she has a very unique last name
    If you look her up in the phone book she might be flattered that you went to all that trouble for her. If you want this girl, you've got to work for her. Or so it sounds. You can't make a girl like you, you just have to be yourself and take an active role in showing you are interested in her. If you don't ask her out or take steps that show that you're interested, how's she suppose to know? Maybe she likes you and is waiting for you to make a move. Maybe not, but you won't know unless you put yourself out there a bit.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    yeah thats true, but i dunno. I always ask her out! except for the first time she asked me to her work party thats when we started to hang out. and im always the one that contacts her, she doesn't that much. but usually when we talk on the phone its usually for about 15 mins. also about the whole phone book thing, i would have to spend in total like 50 bucks just to send some flowers to her, thats a bit much i think, and i wouldn't really trust cab drivers around here some of them are creepy. after valentines i plan on trying to get a lot closer with her, dunno how it is all going to work out..ugh this sucks theres like no way to do this for her on v day.

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