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Thread: How to get my ex gf back?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    How to get my ex gf back?

    My ex gf and I broke up about a week and a half ago after a 1 year relationship. Literally a day or two after our breakup, she enters into a rebound relationship with some guy. I know she's doing this because she doesn't want to deal with the pain of the breakup. I really want her back because I still love her, and I get the feeling she still loves me as well. We had a very loving relationship, but the both of us allowed our differences to tear a hole in our relationship. I think our differences can be resolved, honestly. I had two issues with her. One was her social habits. I didn't trust her friends, and they seemed like a bunch of horny low-lifes. She never really entertained their advances to my knowledge. I am not a drinker, so I kinda had a small peeve for that habit of hers too. One thing is for sure, she definitely speaks her mind, and I admired her for that.

    The other issue was that I believed she had no direction in life. She was just doing random things without any clear goals or objectives. In retrospect, it was probably another side-effect of my concern on her social habits. Honestly, I believe I should have lightened up on that issue and just let her been more independent. If we do get back together, I will be sure to do that.

    I have a strong feeling that her new date wasn't pre-arranged. We broke up briefly a few months ago after I dumped her. When we got back together, she admitted to me that she went on a blind date. I honestly believe it is the same situation again, except maybe this time, the guy caught her interest and knew how to take advantage of her vulnerability. After our breakup, she wished me well and still wanted to talk to me. At first, I was enraged. A few days later, I sent her an email telling her that I forgave her and that I wished her well. She appreciated the email and told me that she missed me and missed talking with me.

    After that, I had no contact with her until yesterday. She texts me out of the blue telling me that she watched a movie last night that reminded her of me. It was a movie the two of us saw when we first got together. We had a friendly conversation afterwards.

    So what should I do to get her back? I know that rebounds don't usually last long, but how can I position myself to get her back when it eventually fails? Should I keep myself relatively silent and just let her slowly talk more and more to me? Or should I take small bits of initiative?

    Also, another thing I need advice on: About two months before we broke up, I promised her I would buy her a certain painting that she really liked. I don't think she even remembers off the top of her head, so it would be a real surprise for sure. I'm contemplating sending it to her. Do you think this is a good idea? Or a mistake?

    Any advice would be appreciated!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Hi there. This girl is just lucky to have you but she blew it. Are you sure you want her back? Cause you said it yourself that you have differences that made a hole in your relationship. So lets just say you have her back, are you sure that those differences will not interfere in your relationship? Before making any moves of having her back again, ask yourself. Are you willing to accept her for who she is and what she is? And also to that painting, I don't think its a good idea at the moment. Hope I have helped in my own way.

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