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Thread: Just realized my feelings TOO LATE. I am very sad.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Just realized my feelings TOO LATE. I am very sad.

    Hi there,

    I have known Lucas for 6 months now. All the time he has been in love with me, and I thought that I didn't love him back. So I kept my friendship but told him that we could only be friends. I even moved away for three months and didn't think of him at all. Maybe because I was having the time of my life.

    Well since I got home he contaced immideatly wanting to meet up, and I felt like it was too much so I deliberately distanced myself. He attempted many times but I never even gave him a chance. I was dealing with some personal crisis so I just didn't bother thinking about this.

    But now I have come to my sences and am myself again. No acting, no nothing, but just me. And Lucas won't answer me. I feel so alone without him. And I miss him terribly. I am so angry at myself for not thinking. Realizing how special he is and beautiful. I always knew though that we were alike. Soulmates. I connected more with him than any of my friends. I am a complex person and though I have many friends there is probably none which knows me.

    We never had sex. I was always waiting for something better. I catagorized him for not meeting my standards and yes not beeing man enough. I admit though that if he had turned me on sexually at some point when we were first meeting each other I would probably not have ignored him.

    So the situation is this. My heart is aching. The other day after a party night with my friends I cried more intensely than I have for 5 years. I am depressed and thinking of moving away. Everything reminds me of us. I burst into cries anytime.
    I tried to call two times the other week following up by a text that I missed him. He hasn't answered and I think he either thinks I'm a total evil person or is in love with someone.

    Any advice? Please I really need some help

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Why do you miss him all of a sudden? If he isn't answering your texts or calls it's either because he's met someone else or is trying to get to you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    I just haven't been very connected to myself for many months.. I am akward with feelings. First now I know how I feel and I am ready... You never know what you got until you lose it. Of course it plays a part. Sadly :/

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Feelings are awkward in general. Have you been less social lately? This is what I find troubling from your post: "I even moved away for three months and didn't think of him at all. Maybe because I was having the time of my life."

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    wtf, stop with the text or phone calls. Get ur ass up and go to his house and spill ur feelings to him. imo

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Yes, I agree. Ok I thought about him but not in that kind of way when I lived somewere else. Well I've decided to give this a rest for maybe 2 weeks or forever..

    The reason I don't go to his place is because I feel like I've done enough. Call and send him a message. Showing up is just creepy. Don't want to force myself up to him.

    But thanks for the answers. I guess I just have to see what happends...

    Next time I will appreciate when someone real comes around. Life is not over, only 23 years old

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Nothing creep about going to his place in my opinion.

    He had deep feelings for you obviously, you rejected him, made him feel shit.

    He's probably still feeling like shit over the whole thing. The least you can do is try and mend things and level the field. That means meet him in person, tell him you're sorry, that you still want to be friends or whatever.

    Don't leave it and just walk away. You'll regret it I think and it'll hurt him too. Don't do that to him.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Waco, TX
    This could be buyer's remorse... meaning, you close the deal on something and have second thoughts. I don't want to sound condescending but, are you SURE you really want him?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    I believe he's moved on. He probably thought you were either crazy or uncertain of what you wanted. Can you really blame him for possibly finding somebody else? Being selfish by keeping him on a hook and leading him on is totally wrong. I know this is probably not what you want to hear but you should try to be open about hearing a different opinion.

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