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Thread: desperately need help! please help asap!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    desperately need help! please help asap!

    okay so me and this girl are best friends. long story short i'm honestly in love with her. she's known for some time now. and she's always said she never felt anything for me. but i felt different. finally she comes out and tells me she does like me but nows not the time. (please help explain this. i've heard a few different things but i'd love your opinions) and she is now talking to this other guy but says she needs me in her life and i know i need her in mine. i try and take time away from her to get some separation to try and put these feelings behind me for now but it seems some how we end up right back hanging out a lot. and things just go back to the way they were. us being attached to each other. like at the hip. everyday. and i need advice on that to. thanks a lot!

  2. #2
    CJR's Avatar
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    All right, this could be a lot of things...
    Though, I'd say you are still in high school, and so is she. If I could guess, she is probably younger than you are, maybe a freshman or sophmore. Though, if not - this advice will still help.
    So, you were in the friend zone for a long time, right? So, she knows you. She knows how to use you, and that might be one of the many things she's doing as we speak. When you take your space away from her, she probably plays it cool, but still wants you to come back to her... And it's not like you aren't going to say no, right?
    Anyways, you could most certainly call her on this bull-shit she's given you. If the games she's playing with you are just games, then she'll back off, she'll then respect you and everything will return to it's normal state of you two being friends...
    Though, if it's something she's not using you for, then she's going to see you in a different light, as someone who can take charge and isn't afraid to tell the girl what he wants, and how much he isn't going to stand for stupid games.
    Maybe this advice helps, maybe it doesn't. I'm tired, and I hope you can read all of this the way I intended...
    Last edited by CJR; 03-01-11 at 12:48 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    ahhh thats good. thanks for the advice. you were right when you guessed she was younger than me. i'm a freshman in college 19 and shes a senor in high school 17. and one time when we were getting time apart the new boy she was talking to came to a party she had at her house. and the next day she wanted me to come outside to talk to her. i did and then we started fighting. but that ended and i said how was last night? she said it was alright. then she got quiet and i asked what was wrong. she started to cry and then finally said last night was alright but...and then i finished it and said it wasn't the same without me and she nodded and said yeah. so idk. i don't think this is games at least

  4. #4
    CJR's Avatar
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    Yeah, I think what's hard is that you're not trying to be selfish... That's why you're not telling her that she needs to be with you, but how you're tellin' me, or any of the other people here what you really think. Though, the thing about this is, is that the act of not recognizing how you feel about her, and still using you as someone she can always depend on.
    Though, the act of always depending on you would be fair - if you were her boyfriend. That way, you could feel appreciated for the things you do for her, instead of waiting for things to happen at parties and such, to just have her tell you something that you already knew about. And that's, that she cares about you.
    I do get your confusion though, it's that if she already cares for you, why isn't she with you?
    You gotta' be a boss, and figure this situation all out for yourself though.
    If you ask me, the new guy should be your replacement.
    Maybe tell her the blunt truth - not Romeo crap.
    I know you like caring for her, and you want to way more than the times you're lucky enough to do so.
    Though, you have to make a move, not just ask her out - that's not gonna' work. You have to find the right time to kiss her, and I think you deserve that. You're a good guy, she's a good girl... You care for her, she likes it when you do that... So, you need to break outa' the friends' circle with a single sweep.

  5. #5
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    Dude this is how it is. Girls can get emotionally attached to you without being sexually attracted to you. They love the attention you give them and they take it for granted. As soon as they meet someone else that is BF material, you are replaced. You need to not make friends with girls you want to get with...doing the friend thing is a weak ass way to get a GF. It never works out. When you meet a girl you are attracted to, ask them out. Even if they say no, you just saved yourself from wasting your time. You were doing the right thing by pushing yourself out of this situation. You need to move on so you can find yourself a GF.

  6. #6
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    Being friends/ lovers never works out in my experience. When my last GF broke up with me, we both agreed to stay friends because we still liked each other. But it's messed up. I was still in love with her and she knew it. All that we accomplished by staying in contact was to draw it out and cause us both more pain.
    Bottom line: If neither one of you loves the other, be friends. If you BOTH love each other, go out. Other than that, please trust me, you just need to get away. All you're doing is hurting yourself and it will never end.

    That said, it's not really hopeless. Sometimes a girl will literally fall in love with you just because you are so into her. As mentioned, they love attention.
    You know each other well, I'd say it's time to test it. Just go all out, tell her exactly how you feel, ask her out, try to kiss her, whatever. Just make it clear that THAT'S what you want, not to be friends. If she does have feelings for you, she'll go along with it, happily ever after. If not...
    I'm sorry, I know how it feels to lose a close friend, but you just need to get the hell out of this. It WILL be better in the long run.

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