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Thread: she's not with me like she was with her other bf

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    she's not with me like she was with her other bf

    hello. ok. my gf has had jerk boyfriends. she thought the only thing to keep them around was sex. so she was the crazy nympho with them, to try to be different, to keep them around. she told me all these stories of how she gave them road head, ****ed one of em six times in a day. now we're together, she tells me she feels way closer to me than any of them. she is not like that with me. i like sex, i admit it, when i heard this i thought she was down to have a lot of it like she was with her other ones. shes not, and it bothered me. we finally got to the bottom of it tonight. she thought sex was all it was to guys. she feels different with me, and she doesnt do that with me bc she wants to see if im really the one. i think she never wanted to hav sex like that, just forced it, she even said that. i think she is actually being her true self with me, we have sex, like everyother day, maybe, which is good, but i just wondered why she wasnt like that. actually it pissed me off alot. why was she like that with those jerks and not me? i know, i understand. it just pisses me off...i wish it didnt so much.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    You fail at communication: tell her how you feel.
    You cannot make her become the slut she once was.
    She doesn't feel the same with you as she did with them: why you would expect that is wild.

    Btw, it's possible to be a great guy, be "the one" while banging the every living shit out of her + while making sweet, passionate love to her...
    You need to show her that. Or else she will think wild sex=a negative act with the wrong guy.

  3. #3
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    Not sure this helps but giving you too much info on her past activities with ex bfriends was a bad call. This is not gonna help her in new relationships. Who cares about the past?

    I hope you two work out but hell she should keep it quiet next time.
    "Oh I could spend my life having this conversation. Look, please try to understand before one of us dies"

    Quote Originally Posted by Yet another guy View Post
    It's just plain simpler to view the world as black and white rather than probabilistic shades of gray.

  4. #4
    80r's Avatar
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    If you really want more and the sex isn't cutting it for you, tell her that you really do love her, but your needs aren't being met. If she loves you too, she should be willing to do more for you to make you happy. Make sure you are very clear that sex isn't the most important thing to you, but you just have a greater sex drive. It may be a good idea to preface the conversation with "it's okay if you don't want to, it's not really all that important. I still want to be with you, regardless"

  5. #5
    vashti's Avatar
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    I'm not sure I understand the problem... is it that you want more sex? or is it that you don't like that she was a slut before you?

    For the record, I don't think every other day is bad, frequency-wise (though of course, frequency can be negotiated). If your problem is with her past behavior, you are going to either have to accept it, or let her go. OR, if you actually want to date a slut, then let her go, and go find one.
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  6. #6
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    Wait why did she tell you what a nympho she was with other guys? No guys want to hear that stuff.
    But anyway, i feel that you understand why she is less sexual with you, yet you are pissed about it?
    Think of it this way... If you meet a slut and dont respect her at all, you would bang her in the most perverted way and leave her. If you meet a girl you respect and want to be serious with, you would treat her with kindness and care. What if the nice girl asks you why you cant treat her like a slut? The answer is simple... We treat people differently depending on how much they mean to us. Less sex isnt necessarily bad. In your case, it means she loves you more than lust. Why are you complaining?

  7. #7
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    I think you should just be flattered that she thinks you are different to the men she's been with before you. She wants more with you than sex and bj's all the time which not a bad thing.

  8. #8
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    If she is a nymphomaniac or hypersexed, it doesn't necessarily mean she will want sex all the time. It is like bipolar and if she has been through a highly sexes period and come out of it with feelings of guilt she could turn anorectic, which means going to the other extreme of no sex at all.

    The weird thing about sex addiction: sex is used by the addict to fill a void.
    The void is usually a longing for love. When a nympho gets together with a guy who is just using her for sex, we feel the lack of love. The only way we can think to gain any love from that person is to turn it on. Sex on tap. It's psychologically ****ed but that is how it works.

    If she actually does have a problem and has a history of abuse, I would recommend she go to a Sex Addicts meeting somewhere in her area.

    Don't feel like you are less of a man for not getting more sex than other guys. If anything you are more mature for treating her with respect. Which by the way is what she needs and deserves.

  9. #9
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    Let it evolve slowly. If you make her think she is nothing but a sex tool to her, she will see you like the other guys she dated. Perhaps that is why she told you: So you know she hated it, and doesn't want it to be like that. Just take it easy man, try her out, ask her about different things you want to try, but why shove her? If you love her as a girlfriend, you should have plenty of time with her. Does it really matter if you get the wildest, hottest sex every for the first months, years? No. Things can evolve like that later, believe it or not.

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