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Thread: How do I find these girls... Should I stop looking?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    How do I find these girls... Should I stop looking?

    I have been feeling discouraged like crazy over the last week and I figure at least venting in some way is a good thing.

    I have a life, amazing friends, family, I am truly blessed. I have a good job (not amazing but good) and I love doing things from going out for drinks to go karting, as long as I am with the people I love in my life I am a happy guy.

    I have been single for over 2 years now and I havent been looking very hard for the love of my life and I have been lucky enough to have beautiful girls around me so I have not had trouble getting with girls it is more the whole dating thing that hasent happened in a long time. I don't know what it is but it seems I have not been able to find a datable girl one who complements everything I do and that I do the same so everything just meshes amazing. I know that finding someone special is not easy but I feel on this journey of life Which brings me to what I need to say...

    Since I go out all the time, do things with my friends, I am always in the public and since I am in the public I have eyes that find beautiful girls that I feel I must say hi to and try to get to know a bit and see where it goes. I have recently noticed that a lot of the girls I talk to have boyfriends but they seem to only tell me after I get there number... I am feeling really frustrated because I feel that I should not be getting these girls numbers if they have boyfriends, I don't even save these girls I just laugh and tell my friends. I guess what I am wondering is should I stop doing what I do and feeling compelled to talk to the girls that surround me?\According to my guy friends it's all good don't worry about it kind of mentality they don't give a shit if this girl has a boyfriend I should go for it. I want something real, something that at least feels forever even though that is a crazy word I know. Do you ladies think that if you don't look you don't find or do you think she will fall into my lap and that's just the way nature (god) works? I guess in reality I will never stop being me and since I am single I shall continue to flirt and some girls will have boyfriends and some won't but don't give me your number if you have a boyfriend!

    Thanks for listening

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    She'll come, she'll come. Stop searching, have fun the way you've always had. Of course you shouldn't hook up with anyone with a boyfriend! But I think you're constantly on the look-out even though you enjoy life and all that, try to not think about this anymore. Your future girl may be a filmloving quiet homely type or too shy to go out meet people =) You seem like a fun guy but girls can pick up if you're looking for a girl instead of forgetting that search all together. I've never fallen in love with a guy that I sensed was hoping for a relationship.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by cheeze_guy View Post
    but don't give me your number if you have a boyfriend!
    Why not? A girl giving out her phone number is not an invitation to sleep with her and in no way indicates that she's going to cheat on her boyfriend or whatever.

    Instead of laughing about it with your friends, why not keep their numbers and call them to hang out socially. Those girls have girl friends. You're cutting off a reliable way to meet girls when you toss those numbers.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    How old are you? Are you at the age where your feeling ready to find "The One"? How old are the girls you talk to? Are they early 20s? If so, they probably just aren't ready to settle down yet.Especially if they're pretty. They know they have a good thing for the moment and are going to wait.
    If you are looking for someone to marry, maybe you should look more towards older women who are perhaps also ready for that.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    I am 26 and the girls I am talking about have been from the age of 20 to 30. If I can tell that a girl is interested in me I will definitely not call her since only bad things come out of that and that is very naive to think otherwise since I have gotten very close to girls with boyfriends before and I agree they have friends who maybe would be down but for sure when a girl has a bit of a crush on you she is not going to want to give you to her friends... at least that is my experience since she did not give me her number to hook me up with her friends that's for sure haha. Either way I stay away from girls with boyfriends! I am not looking for marriage, well not now anyways I just want to find something genuine and something more then a one night stand. I know I gotta chill out and not hit on a thousand girls a day and maybe she may actually cross my path but it's all a work in progress I just was wondering if how I feel is normal or if I am supposed to just say **** it and just pursue all the sexy gals who I come across ... I understand I must find a medium... Thanks for your responses

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