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Thread: should i ask a gut ouy?

  1. #46
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    On the other hand guys put themselfs at higher risk of being used if they ask a girl out. Also, I don't think that guys generally have decided whether they like someone before they ask them out. If they have, they are probably in friend zone already.

    Seems to me that neither of you is trying hard to make it move forward.

  2. #47
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    @Yet another guy.. when u say none of us are trying hard wat else can u suggest?? i mean i cannot literally go and beg him to date me...at times when is he being gud to me is it coz he is a nice guy or he does have a soft corner for me??? why does he give mixed signals or is he not interested at all??

  3. #48
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    What I mean is that he isn't going out of his way to see each other and neither are you. What you've done so far is ask him out a few times. That's nothing more than a friend would do. You also acted indifferent when he backed off your invitation to go out earlier and now you dropped the conversation when he answered the time and place when he was going out. Sure he didn't add "would you like to join?" but you didn't answer "may I join?" either. As I said, neither of you seem very enthusiastic based on your actions. Why does he give mixed signals? My guess is that for the same reason you are: angst.

    You don't need to beg. Just ask if he's interested in dating you. It's that simple. Then, if he says "no", you'll know for sure and don't need to analyze the signals that he isn't sending. If he says "yes", I'll be happy for you. Don't just ask if he wants to go out and take "not today" for an answer. You won't learn much of his interest that way.

  4. #49
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    ok so heres the thing....recently we went of for ofc party and this time all my teams members kind of teased us saying that we both luk gud together....wen the gals asked him if he likes me he didnt refused bt didnt even say yes as well...and my boss teased me saying that the guy has a soft spot for me...anyways now i see that he replies to all my msges and stuffs like that bt doesnt seems to take the initiative to ask me out...like he will keep the flow bt i stop inbtwn he wont continue it...now my question is sud i keep taking the initiative oe back off and see the reaction??

  5. #50
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    I wouldn't recommend doing any mind games. If he's unsure about your motives now, playing uninterested will surely make it clear to him that there isn't a chance for a relationship.
    If you're interested in him, date him. If not, don't.

  6. #51
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Nope, don't ask a gut out )

  7. #52
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    lol...i cant even correct my question now...anyways he used to like gal and she didnt show any interest in him....however when i asked him if he still cares....he said he doesnt accept failures... it clearly means that he is still hung around her

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