Im recently divorced with 1 young child, I have been seeing this lady that is also recently divorced that has 3 young kids. Anyway, we had someone that set us up. We seemed to hit it off and the first 3 weeks we talked nonstop either by email or phone, everything seemed to be going good. We would always try to work in seeing each other at some point in the day or week.

Now, for about the last 3 weeks, she has been very distant, doesnt always reply back to messages and doesnt seem to want to put forth any effort in trying to see one another. I have confronted her several times about it, and she always says she is still very interested, she just has a lot going on with the kids, work and everyday life. I try my hardest to believe this, but when you go from nonstop talking...want to see you kind of talk to rarely even replying back, I just feel like she has either moved on to someone else or lost interest. If I stop sending her messages for a day, she will just all of a sudden send me a text with general chat, and then we will reply back and forth maybe 2 or 3 times and then I hear nothing else from her. What is up with this, I like this girl and I know its tough with 3 kids and the daily life, but is that what the problem really is?