Hi there,
I'm 25yo and I'm posting here because I found some "gaps" in my personality that a would like to work on.

- I'm very selective with girls, and this is especially true when it comes to their personality. It would be unfair to say that the looks aren't important, sure it's an important thing, but if a girl isn't challenging, a bit flirting and mysterious with an average sens of humor, I loose interest.
I'm simply not motivated by woman (they can be good or bad looking) who are too easy to get, or why try desperatly to get closer to me. Also the same is true for woman with very big egos.

And this is somewhat bad, because, despite I'm educated, work with 2 NGOs while I run my own company, have a decent life, travel a lot, go out etc etc, I find myself alone while others are more or less with gfs.

- Another problem here is, if a girl has somewhat strong personality or she's testing me, because my educational and religious (roman catholic background) tells me not to force something if a woman doesn't shows that she also want's it. (on the other hand I really hate the idiots who harass a woman, when there is clearly no reply from her)

- another thing is that, despite all I've achieved in my life, and all the results I tend to be modest, and obviously woman don't really like this.

- last point: since my last breakup, I noticed that I became somehow neutral to dating, so it happens to me that I tend to ignore signs from great girls (on one side, I guess because there is some chance that you might interpret the message wrong and you'll get a rejection and I simply don't feel the energy and power for proper dating now, while on the other hand, even if I end up in a relationship, there is the legacy of the past that keeps me reminding that it's probably better to be single with now....

but, that's definetly not true,and neither ok, so how can I improve my life and personality ?
I have some ideas, but I would need an external point of view from someone out of my friends group.