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Thread: Should I stay or go?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Should I stay or go?

    So here's my situation:

    I'm 18 years old and I have been with this really religious Christian girl for just over a year; She is 16 years old. Over the past year she's broken up with me many times, mostly for silly things out of anger and every single time I run back to her.

    She doesn't date for fun and considers anyone she's with a future husband. This past summer she has told me that if I don't start talking to her priest and getting educated about this stuff then SHE WILL break up with me. (I'm not religious at alll, consider myself an atheist if anything) I have fought with her many times saying that if she really loved me she would accept me for who I am and not who she wants me to become etc., and she argues that if I really loved her I would get educated about this stuff and talk to her priest.

    It's not that I wouldn't consider doing this stuff for a future wife but I am 18 years old and I am going away to university this September and I really have no interest in this stuff whatsoever at this point in my life. I care about her (love?) a lot, do you think its fair that she has given me this ultimatum and allow her to conclude that I don't care if I don't agree to do this stuff? Is it reasonable for her to give me this decision to make when I have never been exposed to religion and really don't care to get involved in it despite the fact that I have strong feelings for her?

    Anyways to put into perspective the silly things she breaks up with me over: She broke up with me tonight because I WATCHED A COMEDY MOVIE THAT HAS A LITTLE NUDE SCENE (movie title: 30 minutes or less) with my friends. I told her that I don't know if I can do this anymore after she came back apologizing to me and said I would give her my answer in the morning because I REALLY DON'T KNOW!

    With that in mind, what do you think I should do?
    Last edited by everywhereigo; 22-08-11 at 02:10 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Langley, BC
    Stop wasting your time with this one. This is the simple answer you need.

    You have clear differences in belief, you fight and break up over stupid things, but you don't have any sex to offset the bad times. You're not religious, which will mean that you're going to want to sleep with her at some point, and when she says "no" over and over, and you fight and break up over it, you'll realize how much time you've sunk into this wasted relationship.

    Dude, stop kidding yourself, this isn't going to work. Find another Agnostic/Atheist girl to date and be happy. Teenage love is irreplaceable, and if you don't enjoy it while you can you'll never get another chance.
    "All is fair in love and war." - Francis Edward Smedley

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Just let her go and go your own way you still young and have plenty of time for girls and relationships.. I was in a serious relationship from 17-20 I thought I was gonna marry the girl and live with her forever.. Now that im older I relize I was way to young to be in such a serious relationship. Just go out and enjoy your younger years you wont regret it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Texarkana, AR
    Run. Run like hell. She's controlling, and she's got unrealistic expectations, not to mention the fact that she believes love is conditional and is willing to use that as a weapon against you, to force you to do what she wants.

    Just run. There are more women than men, I guarantee you can find another one.

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