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Thread: Hello Newbie needs a bit of help :(

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Ok so since he doesn't like phone calls I tried to talk to him over messenger. (I am aware doing it like that makes us seem like teenagers, but since no other way is conducive, it was the way to go).

    So I got a job on Friday (finally), I told him about it over message, and half expected when he got out of work to call me or something! But no, so by the night time I got frustrated, messaged him "ASKING" if I could call. To which i was greeted with the response of "yeah if you want". So comforting isn't it, to hear that from a loved one. So i called, he was his normal crapself on the phone, and i literally got out of the phone call quickly. Hung up and was in tears. I decided to bbm him. I told him i thought things had changed and he agreed, and i said i wanted to get to the root of it, and i wanted to sort it out. I asked him if his feelings had changed (he said no), but completely side stepped my questions about why he hasn't been saying the "i love you's etc". But he did re-iterate that his feelings hadn'tchanged. I asked him categorically do you want to bother getting back to where we were before, and he said yes of course.

    BUT he was tired, so didn't want to talk anymore. I half hoped that on Saturday we would speak about it, but we just messaged normally-ish. Then today, I decided I wasn't going to message him, and NOTHING. It's nearly 7 o clock here and what's the point.

    Another nail in this old coffin is that I invited him to stay at my place this weekend,, and he said no. Am i the only idiot that would rather spend a bit of time with her significant other? *His excuse was that it would only be a day and that he's moving to London soon".

    I don't knwo what to do, and hearing all the advice and hearing him say yeah he does still feel the same, makes it all the more confusing. Nonetheless thought i'd give a bit of a follow=up on the story. Which essentially leaves me in no better a position that when I first came .

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Seattle WA
    Sounds like he's not manning up to his true feelings. One time my bf of two years broke up with me (wanted to pursue or was already cheating with a girl he worked with) out of the blue and when I questioned what went wrong he was crying and essentially said he loves me etc and takes it back and wants to continue dating me. MAJOR head games with me I tell you.

    Sounds like what your bf is doing. Who wouldnt want to spend as much time possible together before moving? And you can call if you want?!!
    He can say all he wants, which sucks because its confusing for you, but actions DO speak louder than words. If he wanted to keep you as his girl he would at least make a little effort in contacting or wanting to hang out with you.

    Holding on to this relationship longer will only hurt you, he's already mentally distanced.

    If I were you I would show up in person and say that he hasnt made any sort of effort lately in the relationship to keep it together and call it quits without letting him bullshit you with I love yous and want to make it works. I guarantee he wont make any sort of effort to stay or get back together.

    Quote Originally Posted by Incognito View Post
    What does the picture in your signature line mean?
    Thanks for asking, I made it as a little tribute to Bioshock, an xbox 360 game.
    Last edited by bloodtippedrose; 12-09-11 at 08:24 AM. Reason: answer Incognito's question

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    MD, USA
    Bottom line: This guys is just riding out his remaining time and trying not to make waves before he leaves. His plan is to go to London (or wherever) without confronting you about his true feelings/intentions or waiting until the last second so that he doesn't have to be around afterward. Him saying "of course" he wants to get back to where you two once were is a flat out lie, reiterated by his refusal to call or spend time with you before moving. I told you before hungryhippo you need to break this off yourself and start to move on. He is going to take the easy, ball-less way out, while leaving you to deal with a broken heart. Look at it like this, you can have a broken toe now, or a broken leg later. Both will hurt, but one will hurt less and take less time to recover from. The choice is yours. Breaking things off sooner would have saved you even more pain and emotional recovery time.
    ...one can be sure of nothing until it has already happened...

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