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Thread: cute guy in my apartment complex... what to do?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    cute guy in my apartment complex... what to do?

    I'm single and am 20 years old and i go to visit my sister often at her apartment. She lives in an older folks building and there are tons of young people that live there now and there is a lobby as you go into the apartment building. I've started to notice this really cute guy around my age always hanging out in the lobby and he lives a couple of doors down from my sister. He is never with anyone and seems to be a loner. However, i only see him maybe once or twice a day. He is friendly and he'll say hi or he'll help me with my sister's baby by opening the door. He is always around when i'm around and one time i was in the lobby with my sister's baby waiting for her to come through the door because she was driving home from work and i was watching the baby. He opened the door for me and then said for me to have a good night (cause it was nightime) and then he left. I really like him and don't know if he likes me or not. I don't know how to send him the right signals that i'm interested. I need advice!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Simple, just start talking to him and initiate conversation. Introduce yourself by name. Go bump into each other a couple of times and see his reactions. If you're not afraid of making the first move, do it. Ask him if he'd wanna go hang out sometime for coffee etc etc.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    well if you see him around often, why not make more conversation with him. Perhaps something about the weather....
    you: "It's a gorgeous evening tonight"...
    him "yes, it is...."
    you: "I see you around here often, by the way my name is ______"
    him: "nice you meet you, my name is ______".
    The next time you two bump into each other, you'll already have been officially introduced and so he can start conversing with you first.

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